Rochester Red Wings Game & Group Serving Opportunities

Red Wings Game - Group Leader Celebration

It's been a long year! Community Groups were never more vital than this past year, but also never more difficult.

One small way to say thanks for your investment is through our Group Leader Celebration.

We want to purchase tickets for you and your family to join us at a Rochester Red Wings Baseball Game!

Last year COVID cancelled our celebration plans. This year we want to bring back the Red Wings game. It won't look quite the same as previous years, but we are glad to be able to offer tickets to you and your family to join us at the game.

Here are the details:


What do fans need to enter Frontier Field?

  • The Redwings are no longer requiring proof of vaccination or negative COVID-19 tests.

  • Masks must be worn by fans 2 years and older at all times, except when eating or drinking in their seats.

  • 2021 Redwings Season FAQs

Who Can I Sit With?

  • All of our tickets for Northridge Group Leaders will located in the same area. Tickets will be provided in pods of 8.

  • If you have specific people you'd like to sit with, let us know when you RSVP. We'll try our best to accommodate those requests.

Ready to RSVP?

  • To lock in our seats, we'll need everyone to RSVP by May 21st.

Serving Opportunities for Your Group

Clean up the El Camino Trail

  • The El Camino trail is a multi-use pedestrian greenway that was adapted from an old railroad line. The 2.25-mile trail runs from Mill Street in High Falls all the way to the Seneca Park pedestrian bridge. The trail provides a safe, continuous pedestrian and bicycle route accessible to citizens from all walks of life. One of the northern portions of the trail runs along the east side of the Rochester campus' parking lot. This is a great project to do as a Community Group to spend time together, get to know more of our beautiful community, and serve our neighbors.

  • For more information and access to cleaning resources, email Eric Lintala, at

Build a picnic bench for our partner school, Rise Community School 106!

  • Right down Ridge Road near Kodak, less than a mile from our Rochester Campus, Rise 106 serves pre-K through 6th grade as a part Rochester City School District. The students and faculty would love another 3-4 picnic benches to use during lunches and free time. This is a great opportunity for your community group to come together to serve students in our city with the use of their time, talent, and resources.

  • For more information, please email Eric Lintala at

Sermon Access Update

Our team has updated when our sermon videos will be available on our website. They will now be posted on Monday afternoons.

The sermon audio will be available on our website by 12:30PM on Sundays.

You can always find our full services on facebook (including sermon) immediately after each service.

What thoughts or questions do you have?

Reply to this email, contact your coach, or share your ideas on the Northridge Leaders Facebook Group.

Upcoming Sermon Series

  • Mind Game (April 11 - May 23)

Trimester Dates

  • Spring: April 11 - May 29 (7 weeks)

Additional Resources

Why Giving Advice Is Hurting Your Group

Why Confronting Is Showing Love and How To Do It Well

What Your Group Members Aren't Telling You

How To Get The Most Out of Your Prayer Time In Groups

In-Person Group Recommendations During COVID-19

14 Outdoor Social Ideas For Your Group

Group Leader Podcast

The #1 Priority In Leading Your Group

One of the most discouraging aspects of leading a group, is seeing group members stagnant, backsliding, or simply repeating the same struggles in prayer time week after week.

How do we help them change and grow?

While there are many ways we can help, what rises above all of them, is the example we set.

Your example will have far more influence than any ice breaker, group discussion, prayer time, or social gathering.

You've heard it said, "show me your friends, and I'll show you your future."

So here is a question, what does the future look like for those you are rubbing shoulders with?

If we become most like the people we spend the most time with, what will your group members become like after spending time with you?

We have boiled down successful Group Leadership to 6 Leader Essentials.

Essentials #1 is pursuing Christ!

Pursuing Christ is always important, and always urgent.

As Jesus said,

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5

If we want our group members to experience an active and growing faith, it starts with us modeling it.

Paul challenged Timothy about the importance of his example,

"Set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity...Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers." - 1 Timothy 4:12, 15-16

He didn't just challenge Timothy about his example, he modeled it himself,

“Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” - Philippians‬ ‭4:9‬

Who you are will have far more influence than any role you play.

So take heart, when leading group is a struggle and you wonder if you are making a difference, don't discount the influence of your example when you faithfully pursue Christ.

What are our thoughts? As you think about your own group experiences, who's example has most influenced your own faith?

Share your ideas on the Northridge Leaders Facebook Group.

Upcoming Sermon Series

  • Grace Anatomy (February 28-March 7)

  • All Rise (March 14-April 4)

Trimester Dates

  • Winter: January 17 - March 27 (10 weeks)

  • Spring: April 11 - May 29 (7 weeks)

Additional Resources

14 Outdoor Social Ideas For Your Group

While not overlooking the depth of community we can experience in an online setting, it is not healthy to live in a world limited exclusively to online interactions.

We were created to walk side-by-side, face-to-face, in the presence of others physically and not just digitally.

But, it's the middle of winter in Rochester and we are still in the middle of a pandemic.

55% of Northridgers are attending in-person at our Rochester and Webster Campuses, while 45% of Northridge is attending the Online Campus.

Gathering in-person with other's is still a challenge, but many people are willing to meet in-person in an outdoor context.

So, as you look to create community with those in your group, here are some ideas for you to meet in-person, outside, where you can do life side-by-side with each other.

14 Outdoor Social Ideas For Your Group

  1. Go for a Walk

  2. Go for a Hike

  3. Go Snow Shoeing

  4. Go Sledding

  5. Go Skiing

  6. Go Snow Tubing

  7. Go Ice Skating

  8. Visit A Nature Center

  9. Visit the Zoo

  10. Go Fishing

  11. Go Hunting

  12. Celebrate Maple Syrup Weekend

  13. Grab a Hot Drink and Go to A Park or Playground

  14. Visit A Garden and Enjoy The Flowers in the Spring

Have you tried any of these? What would you add to the list?

Share your ideas on the Northridge Leaders Facebook Group.

Upcoming Sermon Series

  • How to Be Rich (February 7-21)

  • Amazing Grace (February 28-March 7)

  • The Courtroom (March 14-April 4)

Trimester Dates

  • Winter: January 17 - March 27 (10 weeks)

  • Spring: April 11 - May 29 (7 weeks)

Additional Resources

8 Ideas To Help Your Group Engage The Bible

Several years ago, the Willow Creek Church Association did a massive study to examine how churches were doing at developing mature disciples.

They found that the number one influence on a person's spiritual growth was engaging the Bible for personal application.

While God grows our faith through a variety of influences (private disciplines, providential relationships, personal ministry, practical teaching, pivotal circumstances), engaging the Bible is at the top of the list.

The first goal of Community Groups at Northridge is to Apply the Bible.

If helping your group engage the Bible personally will influence their faith more than anything else, how is that going?

Here are 8 ideas to help your group engage with God's word.

  • Starting Point - (Sunday mornings in-person, Thursday evenings online)

    • Do your group members have questions about the Bible you don't know how to answer?

    • Starting Point is designed for those who are newer to faith, exploring faith, or reengaging with faith, to ask any questions they have about God, faith, and the Bible.

    • Invite a group member to join you in a Starting Point Group (online or in-person). They'll have an opportunity to engage the Bible and ask any question they have!

  • Equip Class "How to Read the Bible" - (Sunday mornings Online & In-Person, February 7 - March 28)

    • Many of the people in your group have tried to read the Bible but found it confusing and discouraging as they struggle to understand it.

    • Invite your group members to join you for this class so you can learn together how to not just read the Bible, but understand and apply it.

  • RightNow Media

    • Pick a RightNow Media study on a Book of the Bible and watch and discuss it with your group each week.

    • Many of the studies include free discussion guides to help you walk through the Biblical text together, understand it and apply it.

  • Shared YouVersion Bible Reading Plan

    • The Bible has never been more accessible than now with the YouVersion Bible app.

    • Search through a list of Bible reading plans and invite your Group Members to join you.

    • You can see each other's progress, and even share takeaways as you engage the Biblical text together.

  • Bible Project Home Study

    • Sign up for the Bible Project weekly Home Study email.

    • Each email includes a short video (you can watch together with your group), Scripture readings, a short audio message, and discussion questions.

    • Your group members can watch, listen, and read before the group, and watch the video and discuss the questions in your weekly meeting.

  • Book of the Bible Study Guides

    • Here is a list of recommended study guides to read and discuss a book of the Bible together as a group.

    • Have your group members purchase a study guide, and then read the Bible passage during the week and answer the questions in the guide. You can use the guide to discuss what you learned in your next meeting.

    • You could also pair one of these study guides along with RightNow Media series on the same book of the Bible.

    • Here are some best practices from other Group Leaders who have done this.

  • Sermon Discussion

    • Help your group not only hear God's Words taught on Sunday, but read them together in group, and learn how to apply them.

    • Have you had mixed success with this? Review these sermon discussion tips.

    • Find Sermon Discussion Questions HERE.

  • Set Bible Engagement Growth Goals

    • Make Growth Goals a regular rhythm each group trimester.

    • Set goals on when, where, and what to read in the Bible.

    • Set scripture memorization goals.

    • Ask each other about your progress regularly.

Which one of these 8 ideas can you try this winter to help your group engage the Bible?

Upcoming Sermon Series

Here are the tentative dates for our upcoming sermon series:

  • Silver Linings - (January 10-31)

  • How to Be Rich (February 7-21)

  • Amazing Grace (February 28-March 7)

  • The Courtroom (March 14-April 4)

Trimester Dates

  • Winter: January 17 - March 27 (10 weeks)

  • Spring: April 11 - May 29 (7 weeks)

Additional Resources

Making A Hard Call

The point if this post is that I'd love every Group Leader at Northridge to go all out to invite others to join them in their group!

Simply stated, my goal for this post is that you would grab your phone and call everyone in your group who is not attending your meetings, and invite them to check out your group, or a group. 

Most groups have people on their group roster that either have:

  • never attended

  • not attended in a long time

  • only attended a few times

  • or just expressed interest in group for the first time. 

On top of that, each Sunday our services are full of people who lack relationships with other Christians who could help them grow in their faith.

Why do I want every group to go all out to invite those disconnected to connect? 

Why go to the trouble of finding time in our busy schedules to pick up the phone and call these people?

Because people can't grow spiritually if they don't connect relationally. 

And people can't connect relationally without first establishing a relationship.

Relationships begin with an invitation. 

When Jesus began his ministry, he found a few men and said, "Come, follow me."

Then those men called their friends and family and invited them to come and follow Jesus.

Jesus’ relationships began with an invitation.

In a season when people are more disconnected than ever, we want to go all out to help as many people as possible step toward relationships, not away.

Picking up the phone can be hard. But will you make the hard call?

As Groups Coaches, we are going to work more diligently this fall to track those who are not connecting, and help them connect.

You'll likely be hearing from your coach in the weeks ahead asking you about people disconnected from your group. 

Thanks for helping us make disciples through phone calls.

Relationships begin with an invitation. Thanks for making the hard call!

P.S. Many people don't listen to their voicemail anymore, so if you get a voicemail, try sending a text after. They may be more likely to see your text than hear your voicemail. 

P.S.S. If your group doesn't work for them, let your coach know. We'd love to find a group that does work for them.

Additional Resources:

Still deciding on curriculum? Here are some suggestions:

Sermon Discussion

  • A Tale of Two Brothers (September)

  • The Life of Moses (October - November) 

The Bible Project "Church At Home"

  • A free study for small groups, churches, and house churches to help you continue to engage in Scripture with a multi-lesson Bible study

  • Access a weekly video, podcast, Scripture, and discussion guide HERE


  • Free video studies from Andy Stanley and Northpoint Church 

  • Viewable on Roku, Apple TV, Google Chrome, Apple and Android devices

  • Access all studies HERE

  • If Money Talked

Right Now Media

I Said This, You Heard That

  • This 6 session video study explores how your wiring affects what you say, how you listen, and how others hear you

  • Watch video series on Youtube HERE

  • Access discussion guide HERE


Book of the Bible

  • HERE are some recommended discussion guides for discussing a book of the Bible together

Miss Re:Group or want a refresher? 

Watch or listen here:

Have you checked out our Group Leader Podcast?

  • Listen to our past Re:Group Leader Training content: large group and breakout sessions

  • Access HERE

Have any other questions? 

Contact your coach or search the rest of our our leader page.

What is the plan for Northridge groups this summer?

Next week is the last week of our Spring Community Group trimester.

Normally we'd be heading into our summer break encouraging groups to occasionally gather for BBQ's, picnics, beach days, baseball games, movie nights, or sitting together at a Night of Worship service.

But this summer isn't normal.

While we usually encourage groups to take a break from weekly meetings over the summer, what about this summer? 

Here are our thoughts at this point:

1. Take A Break From Weekly Meetings

Many of our groups have been meeting every week since January 13th. Usually by this time of year, everyone is looking forward to a break. 

While COVID-19 has left us all feeling more isolated and craving community, virtual group meetings week-after-week can get old. For many, if not most groups, the summer break is much needed.

2. Keep Pursuing Community

We often say, the purpose of Community Groups isn't meetings, it's to provide Biblical Community. 

Weekly meetings are only one avenue to develop community.

Call each other, share pics on social media or via text messages, use an app like Marco Polo to share quick videos together, or do a shared Bible reading plan on YouVersion. These are just a few of countless ways to stay connected and experience community.

Just because you aren't meeting, it doesn't mean your relationships need to stop.

3. Try A Summer Semester

Every group has unique needs and different capacities. For some, taking a break from weekly meetings until the fall may be best. But for others, that is too long, especially with our Stay-At-Home guidelines.

If your group would be interested in meeting for a 3 or 4 week summer trimester, let us know. We'd love to resource you and potentially pass people along to your group who are looking for community.

Northridge will also be offering several new Summer Groups for people who have not been part of a group. This helps us make sure anyone new to Northridge doesn't have to wait too long to connect into Biblical community.

Interest in a Summer Trimester? Please email me and let me know.

4. Can We Meet In-Person???

With a lot of talk about re-opening in our nation and community, there are so many questions about what that will look like, including how this might impact Community Groups.

Can we still do BBQ's together? Can we go to a park together? Can we have some kind of in-person gathering?

Honestly, there is still a lot of uncertainty at this point. Our staff team is continually monitoring the recommendations of our state and local authorities and strategizing next steps for our church as we learn more.

At this point, we would encourage groups to follow the suggested federal, state, and regional guidelines. 

While this may allow for some groups to gather for some kind of in-person gatherings, we would encourage you to exercise caution and do what is most loving and caring for those in your group.

5. Follow What Is Certain

Though much of our future is uncertain, we can be certain of our calling as Christ followers. 

We were created know God and make Him known. We were created to make disciples!

That calling is still true. 

While this summer may look different, let's make the most of it by continuing to pursue Christ ourselves in addition to helping our group members feel loved, cared for, and grow to look like Jesus.

Do you have any questions? Is your group interested in a short summer trimester? Let us know. Just email me HERE.


6 Ideas To Make The Most of The Spring Group Trimester...While Social Distancing

Are you ready for this?

Our last trimester of the Community Group year is about to begin (April 12 - May 23). At the beginning of the groups year, none of us could have predicted it would end like this.

While Community Group members often begin to check-out near the end of the group year, this season feels different. Actually, it doesn't just feel different, this season of social distancing restrictions is different. It is hard to predict the future, so as we look for the best ways to care for and connect with our groups under COVID-19 restrictions, we are taking it one week at a time, one day at a time.

As we prepare for the next 6 weeks of group, here are:

6 Ideas To Make The Most of The Spring Group Trimester

1. Continue to

Many of you have already been connecting with your group online with a variety of video platforms and have worked through some of the kinks. If you still have questions about how meet with your group online, contact your coach, or check out our "How To Lead An Online Group" page. We want to help every group figure this out!

2. Meet for a shorter amount of time.

A typical in-person community group meeting usually lasts for 90 minutes to 2 hours. That is long for an online group meeting. The sweet spot for an online group is somewhere between 45-60 minutes.

3. Continue to discuss the sermon.

You may be wondering, what should my group meeting look like online? We would suggest your group continues to use the same format of an in-person meeting. Spend 10-15 minutes catching up, spend about 30 minutes discussing the sermon, and then wrap up by sharing prayer requests and having someone pray.

Some of you have asked, "Where are the sermon discussion questions?" 

Our Northridge website has been updated with pertinent info in this COVID season, so the way you may normally navigate to find the questions has changed a bit. You can always find the sermon discussion questions in the same place right here on our Group Leaders website. They are posted each Sunday morning at 8:00am.

4. Update Your Group Description.

As people look for a group on the online Group Finder, please make sure to update your Group description on Group Vitals to let people know you are meeting online instead of in-person.

How do you update your description? Watch THIS short video. 

5. Include your kids.

Say what? How is that supposed to work? 

While Community Group meetings are designed for adults to experience Biblical Community, those with kids at home also develop relationships with the other kids in group. 

With groups unable to meet together in-person, your kids may actually be missing group more than you!

Here is one way some groups have helped their kids connect with each other during this season:

Instead of having the men and women meet all-together in one online meeting, they have separate men's and women's nights. At the beginning of those meetings, you can take the first 5-15 minutes for the kids to connect, be silly, see each other's faces, and talk, and then have either the man or the woman in the house watch the kids while the other connects in their meeting.

6. Change it up.

While we are encouraging groups to function as normal with a typical community group schedule of connecting, sermon discussion, and prayer; taking a week or two to change it up will keep your group from growing weary or stale. 

This may be especially true if you met for all 3 weeks of the trimester break.

Here are several ways we have seen groups try something new to connect during this season:

  • Playing games together online with the website:

  • Doing a Netflix Watch Party:

  • Delivering/Hiding Easter eggs in different family's yards (w/ their approval).

  • Doing separate video chats with the men and women to dive a little deeper.

  • Sharing short video messages together with apps like the Marco Polo app

What would you add to the list? What has your group tried? Email me and share your ideas. I'd love to pass them along to other groups!

We are praying for you as we begin a new group trimester! Please let us know if you have any questions or there is anything you need!

Thanks for helping people still experience Biblical Community in these unique times!

How Should We Handle The Community Group Break & COVID-19?

Our Community Group Trimester just wrapped up. We have a 3-week break scheduled until April 12th.

While Community Group breaks offer a needed respite from the weekly grind of leading and meeting with your group, we are at the beginning of season where people are more isolated than ever, especially those who live alone.

So, how should we handle the Community Group break in light of the COVID-19 situation?

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Consider continuing to meet with your group online.

    • Just because a break is scheduled doesn't mean your group has to stop meeting. Though a typical group break is needed and replenishes you and your group, this may be a season where continued meetings may actually strengthen your group.

    • If you are not sure how to get your group online together, our coaches would love to walk through the technology together with you to help you get setup to succeed. Let us know. You can also reference our online group guide.

    • There is also a phone-in option where you group can all talk on the phone together at the same time. This is especially helpful if your group doesn't have the technology to meet online or isn't as tech savvy. 

    • I know this is a crazy time for all of us as we readjust to a new normal, so for some groups, this may be more of a challenge, but if possible, continuing to meet online may be helpful.

  2. Stay in touch.

    • Whether or not you are able to continue meeting online, one-on-one connections with your group through phone, text, or facetime may have the highest impact as you care for your group. 

    • GroupMe is a helpful texting tool many groups have used to stay connected. 

    • You can also share short video updates with each other on the Marco Polo app. Aaron Hixson shared how this has been a fun tool he has used to stay connected with his group and friends. Watch how it works HERE.

    • If you have group members living alone, they may especially appreciate and be helped by additional connections.

    • Make sure to ask if they have any needs that you and your group can help with. This can be a challenging time both physically and emotionally.

  3. Begin a YouVersion Bible reading plan together.

    • Help your group refocus their mind on truths from the Bible instead of focusing on worries and fears. 

    • Here is a plan on How To Stop Worrying.

  4. Share prayer requests on YouVersion.

    • You can now easily share prayer requests with group members and friends who use the YouVersion Bible app. 

  5. Pair up group members.

    • It can be hard to keep up with all of your group members consistently, but if you can pair up group members into groups of 2 or 3, they can keep in touch with each other more consistently. 

  6. Pool resources to meet a need.

Is your group continuing to meet online during the break?

Please click the button below to update us on your group plans.

We would love to help those who are looking for a group find community without having to wait until April 12th.

What other ideas do you have for connecting with your group? 

What questions do you have? Let us know, we'd love to be of help!

Community Group Covid-19 Plan - Updated 3/16/20


As the Covid-19 situation continues to develop, we'd like to encourage all groups to meet online instead of in-person. 

As Community Groups Coaches we'd love to help you figure out how to do this well.

Our coaches will be in touch with you, and if you'd like to practice using the technology with us we'll be available.

This is our last official week of the Winter Trimester, March 15-21. After that groups are on a 3-week break until our Spring Trimester begins April 12th.

While this is a planned break, we'd encourage you to stay connected with your group members. You might consider still meeting together online during this break, or staying connected through a group text throughout the week. At a time where we are facing more isolation, this is an opportunity for us to still experience community and encouragement from other Christ followers.

One group text platform many groups have found helpful is GroupMe.

If your group decides you still plan to meet in-person, we would encourage you to use discretion and follow the recommendations of the CDC, including:

  • Washing your hands often

  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth

  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick

  • Staying home if you're sick

  • Covering coughs and sneezes

  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces

How To Host An Online Group

  • This page covers which technology to use, best practices for an online meeting, what to communicate with your group, and a typical schedule.

Let me or your groups coach know if you have any further questions. 

While this is a time of fear and anxiety for many, we have an opportunity to encourage and offer support to our group members, and remind them of the truths from Sunday's message, that our God not only controls the wind and the waves, but He is in control of any storm we face, and we can put our faith and trust in HIm.

Thanks for loving on and caring for the people in your group!



As Sunday services are moved online you may be asking the question, should I still meet with my Community Group?

Our last official week of the Winter Trimester is March 15-21. After that groups are on a 3-week break until our Spring Trimester begins April 12th.

While large gatherings across the state have been banned, we are still able to meet in smaller gatherings.

We would like to give each group the option to decide if they would prefer to meet in-person or online.

If your group would like to meet online, you can find the details below for how to host an online group, which technology to use, what to communicate to your group, and what the meeting will look like.

If your group decides to meet in-person, we would encourage you to use discretion and follow the recommendations of the CDC, including:

  • Washing your hands often

  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth

  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick

  • Staying home if you're sick

  • Covering coughs and sneezes

  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces

While we planned to have groups celebrate communion together the last week of the trimester, your group is free to pass on communion or serving food to each other.

How To Host An Online Group

  • This is a page I put together for anyone wanting to host an online group. It covers which technology to use, best practices for an online meeting, what to communicate with your group, and a typical schedule.

Let me or your groups coach know if you have any further questions. 

As the leaders of our church, we have the opportunity to bring hope, encouragement, and trust in God in this time of uncertainty.

Thanks for loving on and caring for the people in your group!