
2 Ways To Thrive Spiritually While Group is On Break

Our Community Group season is coming to an end next week. But just because your group is not meeting, that doesn't mean that community needs to stop.

Right at the beginning of the Bible, we read "It is not good for man to be alone." - Gen. 2:18

We do not do well when we live in isolation.

We are in a spiritual battle for our souls! And we can't survive alone.

If we are going to thrive instead of die spiritually this summer, here are 2 things I would encourage you and your group to do.

2 Ways To Thrive Spiritually While Group is On Break.

1. Set Summer Growth Goals for the Summer

You may not be seeing each other on a weekly basis, but in your last 2 weeks of group, talk with each other about one step you can each take to grow in your faith this summer.

Then touch base with each other throughout the summer on your progress:

  • You could assign Growth Goal Accountability Partners for the Summer.

  • Send a weekly text to check in with the guys or girls.

  • Schedule coffee or a bite one-on-one.

  • Set up a monthly, bi-weekly, accountability breakfast with the guys or girls.

  • Set a regular reminder on your phone to ask your group members about their progress.

2. Decide on Summer Plans To Connect by May 26th.

Enjoy the summer break. We all need to rest. And don't feel guilty about not meeting each week. This is a season of sabbath for Community Groups to replenish and hit the ground running this fall.

But Community Group is more than meetings.

What regular patterns can you establish with your group to stay connected throughout the summer when you are not meeting?

  • Pick a shared Bible Reading Plan

  • Text a Scripture each day to each other

  • Pick a book to read and discuss

  • Sit together Sundays

  • Decide after which Sunday service you'll visit together in the lobby

Check out these 10 ideas for summer connections.

Get some dates or plans on the calendar now, or your summer is likely to pass you by without your group connecting.


If you have any questions about groups or anything else at Northridge, reach out to your coach.

We'd love to support you in anyway that we can.

Upcoming Dates

Additional Resources That May Be Helpful

What's Next For Your Group? - 4 Steps To Finishing Well

Hi Group Leaders,

Our Community Group season is winding down. 4 more weeks of group.

With the end in sight, here are 4 things we can do to finish our group well.

1. Decide Summer Plans

Summer is an amazing opportunity to get outside with your group, do a BBQ, go to a park, grab ice cream, watch an outdoor movie, etc.

If you don't get dates on your calendar before the trimester ends, you are less likely to connect over the summer.

Try to set 1 monthly gathering on the calendar for June, July, and August.

One of the best ways to do this is to just schedule a meeting on the same week of every month, on the night you normally meet for group.

For example, the 3rd Tuesday of every month (6/20, 7/18, 8/15).

Even if you don't have the social activity decided yet, you at least have the date reserved on your calendar.

2. Talk with Future Leaders

One of the best ways to ensure group health and prevent leader burn-out, is to share the load. The more the merrier. Who in your group has leadership potential?

If you haven't broached the conversation with them yet, now is the time. Invite them over for dinner or chat with them on Sunday and drop the idea in their mind.

If you have already talked with them about the role, invite them to help you plan or host a summer social.

If they are not yet members of Northridge, invite them to attend the next Membership Class on May 21st.

3. Invite Feedback

What we don't know, CAN hurt us. We may assume everyone is loving group, or that someone is struggling with group, but we won't know for sure until we ask.

Send out an email or hand out 3x5 cards in one of your upcoming meetings and ask 2 questions:

  1. What do you love most about our group?

  2. What is one idea you have to improve our group?

Ask them now before the group season is over, that will give you time to discuss their feedback together, and make adjustments for the fall.

4. Discuss The Future

  • What is next for your group?

  • Do you need new leaders?

  • Do you need to change up your group night?

  • Do you need to figure out different childcare plans?

  • Do you need to create room for new people?

  • Is the group too large to effectively care for each other?

  • Is now the time to make plans for multiplication?

These can be difficult decisions to make. Don't just wait until August to decide, begin the conversation now.

Not sure what's next, or how to make these changes?

Include your group coach in the conversation. We'd love to help you figure out what is best for you and your group.

4 more weeks until Summer. Let's finish strong!

Upcoming Dates


If you have any questions about groups or anything else at Northridge, please reply to the email or reach out to your coach.

We'd love to support you in anyway that we can.

Additional Resources That May Be Helpful

When & How Should Your Group Multiply?

10 Simple Ideas To Connect With Your Group This Summer

The Top 2 Things Group Members Wish Were Different About Your Group

4 Sure Ways To Burn Out As A Group Leader

How To Find and Keep New People

Only Half Of My Group Showed Up Last Night

Northridge Group Leader Podcast

3 Things To Do Before Group Ends and Summer Begins

We have 2 weeks left of our Community Group season. As you wrap up your final few weeks, here are 3 things to do to set your group up for success this summer and fall.

1. Set Summer Growth Goals

Community Groups are about spiritual growth. If we don't set goals for spiritual growth, we are not likely to make progress.

As you review your growth goals from this past semester, make sure to take time to set a goal for this summer:

  • Read a book

  • Memorizing scripture

  • Invite an unbeliever over for a BBQ

  • Replace TV time with reading time or devotions with family or friends

  • Listen to the A Little Better Podcast weekly

  • Etc.

Text each other throughout the summer, or connect for coffee or a bite and ask each other about your progress.

2. Get Feedback From Your Group

Do you know what your group members actually think about your group? Are there things they love or things they are frustrated about that you are unaware of? You won't know until you ask.

In a few weeks we'll be surveying all Group Leaders and Group Members to learn about what we can do better as a church to have a more effective groups ministry. We value your feedback as we seek to improve.

In fact, here are the top 2 things we usually hear from Group Members:

  • I wish my group started and ended on time.

  • I wish my group did more gatherings outside of weekly meetings.

Here is the top thing we usually hear from Group Leaders:

  • I wish people showed up more consistently! (We always survey you at the end of the year when attendance is most spotty, so that is usually at the top of our minds as leaders.)

What do your group members think about your group?

Hand out a 3x5 card the last week of group and ask people to answer two questions:

  1. What do you like most about our group?

  2. What do you wish was different about our group? What would you change?

If people miss that meeting, email them those questions.

That feedback will be invaluable as you seek to create a group environment where people can experience community and grow in their faith.

3. Plan Summer Gatherings

Summer is almost here and groups will be on break. While we encourage you to take advantage of that break to refresh yourself, don't completely disconnect.

If you don't put gatherings on your calendar now, they probably are not going to happen.

A good goal could be to have 1 gathering each month throughout the summer.

Here are some ideas:

What summer gatherings have worked well for your group?

I'd love to hear your ideas so we can pass them along to other leaders! Email me HERE.

How Can We Help?

How are you doing? Is there anything we can help with? Reach out to your coach.

If you haven't had a chance to meet up with your coach about how your group is doing and what's next for your group, we'd love to connect.

Upcoming Community Group Dates

  • Spring Community Group Trimester: April 3 - May 28th (8 Weeks)

  • Red Wings Baseball Game (Group Leader Thank You): Friday, June 3, 7:05pm (RSVP HERE)

Keep up-to-date with what happening in our group ministry on the Group Leader's Website, Facebook Group, and Podcast.

Additional Resources

9 Tips To Finishing Your Group Well

Why Summer Is Dangerous For You And You Group

5 Reasons We Need Group Relationships In Addition To Existing Relationships

Only Half of My Group Showed Up Last Night

8 Simple Steps To Raise Up New Leaders

What is the plan for Northridge groups this summer?

Next week is the last week of our Spring Community Group trimester.

Normally we'd be heading into our summer break encouraging groups to occasionally gather for BBQ's, picnics, beach days, baseball games, movie nights, or sitting together at a Night of Worship service.

But this summer isn't normal.

While we usually encourage groups to take a break from weekly meetings over the summer, what about this summer? 

Here are our thoughts at this point:

1. Take A Break From Weekly Meetings

Many of our groups have been meeting every week since January 13th. Usually by this time of year, everyone is looking forward to a break. 

While COVID-19 has left us all feeling more isolated and craving community, virtual group meetings week-after-week can get old. For many, if not most groups, the summer break is much needed.

2. Keep Pursuing Community

We often say, the purpose of Community Groups isn't meetings, it's to provide Biblical Community. 

Weekly meetings are only one avenue to develop community.

Call each other, share pics on social media or via text messages, use an app like Marco Polo to share quick videos together, or do a shared Bible reading plan on YouVersion. These are just a few of countless ways to stay connected and experience community.

Just because you aren't meeting, it doesn't mean your relationships need to stop.

3. Try A Summer Semester

Every group has unique needs and different capacities. For some, taking a break from weekly meetings until the fall may be best. But for others, that is too long, especially with our Stay-At-Home guidelines.

If your group would be interested in meeting for a 3 or 4 week summer trimester, let us know. We'd love to resource you and potentially pass people along to your group who are looking for community.

Northridge will also be offering several new Summer Groups for people who have not been part of a group. This helps us make sure anyone new to Northridge doesn't have to wait too long to connect into Biblical community.

Interest in a Summer Trimester? Please email me and let me know.

4. Can We Meet In-Person???

With a lot of talk about re-opening in our nation and community, there are so many questions about what that will look like, including how this might impact Community Groups.

Can we still do BBQ's together? Can we go to a park together? Can we have some kind of in-person gathering?

Honestly, there is still a lot of uncertainty at this point. Our staff team is continually monitoring the recommendations of our state and local authorities and strategizing next steps for our church as we learn more.

At this point, we would encourage groups to follow the suggested federal, state, and regional guidelines. 

While this may allow for some groups to gather for some kind of in-person gatherings, we would encourage you to exercise caution and do what is most loving and caring for those in your group.

5. Follow What Is Certain

Though much of our future is uncertain, we can be certain of our calling as Christ followers. 

We were created know God and make Him known. We were created to make disciples!

That calling is still true. 

While this summer may look different, let's make the most of it by continuing to pursue Christ ourselves in addition to helping our group members feel loved, cared for, and grow to look like Jesus.

Do you have any questions? Is your group interested in a short summer trimester? Let us know. Just email me HERE.