2 Things To Do Before Group Ends

Hi Group Leaders,

Our Community Group year wraps up May 25th.

While the trimester is ending, our need for healthy Biblical Community doesn't.

Here are 2 steps to ensure you set yourself and your group up for future health!

1. Make Summer Plans Now

While you still have the attention of your group, put some dates on the calendar for summer gatherings.

1 simple goal is to do 1 monthly gathering on the same night your group normally meets.

  • For example, the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

  • June 18, July 16, August 20

Send the dates out now, you can decide what you'll do those nights later:

  • Red Wings Game

  • Picnic/BBQ

  • Sea Breeze Day

  • Beach Day

  • Pool Party

  • Back Yard Movie Night

2. Ask Your Group Members For Feedback

Are there changes to your group that would help your group members feel more engaged, or improve their group experience?

How do your group members feel about your group? You won't know unless you ask them.

There are 2 options for this:

End of the Trimester Surveys

3x5 Card Surveys

  • Hand out 3x5 cards and ask all group members 3 things:

  1. Their name.

  2. What they liked about your group.

  3. One suggestion for improving your group.

After collecting the surveys, review them with your co-leaders and make appropriate changes for the fall.

By God's grace, as we change and as our groups change and improve, God may use our group to be a space where we can experience acceptance, belonging, growth, love, and care.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

10 Ideas To Change Up Your Group This Week

Our Spring Community Group Trimester ends in 4 weeks, on May 25th.

It can be easy this time of year to grow a bit weary of the weekly routine and just look forward to the break.

The goal of Community Groups is not meetings, its relationships.

If we are not careful, we turn Community Groups into a meeting to show up to while missing out on the meaningful relationships God has designed us to share.

One of the best ways to get our heads and our hearts refocused, is to change up our weekly routine.

Here are 10 ideas to change up your group this week:

1. Bring extra snacks for more intentional/extended social time.

2. Do a weekly dinner and communion together.

3. Skip sermon discussion and take turns sharing your faith story (1 person, 1 place, 1 event that shaped your faith)

4. Do “Show and Tell” with your group, sharing about 5-10 items.

5. Have everyone in the group answer a list of questions to get to know each other better.

6. Go to the Lilac Festival together (May 10-19)

7. Have a game night.

8. Help a group member in need (moving, yard work, meal cooking night together)

9. Attend a sporting event, play, or concert of a group member or their child.

10. Have one gender watch kids together while the other gender goes out together.

Instead of a typical group meeting, pick one of these ideas, and change up your group this week.

What is 1 idea you can try to engage in a more meaningful way?

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

47 Ideas For Group Prayer Time and Personal Prayers

We surveyed our group leaders and members to learn the best prayer practices for praying in your group, with your group members, and for personal prayer time.

We had 24 ideas for praying with your group and 23 ideas for personal prayer. 

Below is a summary of what we learned. 

What is 1 idea you can use in your group and your own personal prayer time? 

24 Ideas For Group Prayer Time:

  • Who You Pray With:

    1. Split Gender: for more intimate or personal sharing 

    2. Smaller Groups: 2-4 people for more sharing/closer relationships 

    3. Accountability: only 2 people pray together. Ask same 3 questions each week: 

      • 1. How was your week? 

      • 2. What next step are you going to commit to this week?. 

      • 3. How can we hold you accountable/what do you need from us?

  • Sharing Prayer Requests:

    1. 3x5 Cards: Write prayer on 3x5 Card with phone number and name, exchange for check in during week 

      • Sticky Note: use instead of card so you can post it somewhere you’ll see 

    2. Group Texting: Share prayer requests at meeting, follow up through text during week, share results during week for celebration/prayer

      •  Groupme Texting app: Use this app to help you organize group texts 

    3. Email: Emailing prayer requests and updates during week 

    4. Praying Instead of Sharing Requests: Instead of sharing your requests and then praying for them, pray your requests. Then you can spend more time praying instead of talking about prayer.

    5. Write Down Requests: Add prayer requests to notes app or notebook to share or review personally. 

  • Accountability/Followup:

    1. Assign Weekly Partners: Exchange 3x5 cards or pair up another way for weekly check in.

    2. Daily Prayer For Someone Struggling: Assign a different group member each day to pray with and for a group member who is really struggling. 

  • What to Pray:

    1. Praise and Request: 1 thing you are thankful for, 1 request .

    2. Confess Sins and Be Vulnerable: group members will follow the leaders example.

    3. Bring A Prepared List: Bring a list of things to pray for during prayer time.

    4. 3 Topics (Thanks/Growth/Request): 

      • 1 thing you are thankful for

      • 1 area you need to grow (a goal)

      • 1 general request 

    5. 3 Accountability Questions: 

      • 1. How was your week? 

      • 2. What next step are you going to commit to this week?. 

      • 3. How can we hold you accountable/what do you need from us?

    6. If Nothing Personal Is Requested: If people don’t share a personal request we get to pick a prayer request for them and each pray that for them (like a fruit of the Spirit).

  • Format:

    1. Praying Instead of Sharing Requests: Instead of sharing your requests and then praying for them, pray your requests. Then you can spend more time praying instead of talking about prayer.

    2. Before Discussion: Pray before discussion to prioritize enough time to pray so it is not rushed in the end.

    3. Short Prayers: Pray 1 sentence prayers or short prayers to make it safer for those who are new to prayer. 

    4. Ask For Volunteers:

      • This makes it safe for those who are not comfortable praying. Not everyone has to pray, but we can pray for everyone.

    5. Popcorn Prayers: Have everyone pray spontaneously, instead of a circle, to make it safe for those who are uncomfortable with prayer and don’t want to be put on the spot. 

    6. Immediate Prayers: Have a person pray right after each person shares instead of trying to pray for all of the requests at the end. 

    7. Praying For Person On Your Left

    8. Set a Timer: Set a timer for each person to share so everyone gets equal sharing time, this helps when you have some especially long winded people.

23 Ideas for Personal Prayer Time:

  • Time (When):

    1. Continuous Prayer: Prayer throughout the day. Make the resting place of your mind to focus on Jesus between tasks and throughout the day.

    2. Morning: Praying first thing in the morning 

      • Go to bed on time so I can wake up early.

    3. Evening: Praying in evening when more awake 

    4. Multiple Times Daily: Praying same times each day (morning, meals, in car, before bed)

    5. Prayer in Car 

    6. With Other Habits: pair prayer with another daily habit that you do the same time each day. 

    7. The same time each day

  • Strategies:

    1. Praying Out Loud: in my personal prayer time

    2. Use Bible: reading, meditation, memorization to focus your prayers 

    3. Prayer Walks 

    4. Journaling Prayers: Write out your prayers 

    5. Praying With Spouse 

      • before bed 

      • While going for a walk

    6. Praying In a Massage Chair

    7. Give Spirit Control: Ask the Spirit to redirect your mind and heart.

  • Guides:

    1. The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)

    2. ACTS acrostic: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication 

    3. 1 Scripture Verse: Focus on 1 verse, pray over scripture over people. 

  • Tools:

    1. Prayer Apps:

    2. Worship Music: Use worship music for prayer 

    3. Devotionals: My Utmost for His Highest, The Songs of Jesus

    4. Sticky Note Reminders: on wall/mirror with each group member name.

    5. Digital Reminders: Set reminders/prayer alarm on phone.

    6. Prayer Lists

What is 1 idea you can use in your group and your own personal prayer time? 

Re:Group at Webster & Important Details for Kickoff

Forget to RSVP? Do so HERE.

Here are a few details for our Community Group Leader Kick-off on Sunday night.  

Jason DeGraaff will be teaching about Group Leader Essential #2, Cultivating Relationships, addressing tensions and challenges we face as group leaders:

  • Should we expect to experience deep relationships or genuine friendships in group?

  • Leaders can't be close to everyone in group, so how do we help our group connect?

  • How can we create an environment where each member of our group can be truly known?

Drew Karschner will also be sharing some updates about what God is doing at Northridge and give you the inside scoop of what's next for our church.


We will begin our time together right at 5pm at the main auditorium of our WEBSTER CAMPUS (780 Salt Rd., 14580).

We'll share a few details and pray and then enjoy a meal together as we begin our night. Please allow enough time to check-in and drop off your kids, locate your fellow groupies and find a seat by 5pm. 

(See Campus Map Below)


If you are attending the New Leader Breakout, please arrive with enough time to drop off your kids and make it to the breakout by 4:15PM. Our New Leader Breakout will be located in the Meeting Room across the hall from the auditorium.

(See Campus Map Below).


You can grab a sandwich or salad and a drink in the hallway outside of the auditorium as you head in. You'll find the soups at your table in the auditorium.

Here is our Panera menu:

Pick a sandwich or salad.

You have 4 Sandwich Options: 

  • Turkey

  • Mediterranean Veggie

  • Napa Almond Chicken Salad

  • Bacon Turkey Bravo

You have 5 Salad Options:

  • Caesar Salad

  • Caesar Salad with Chicken

  • Greek Salad

  • Fuji Apple Chicken Salad

  • Seasonal Greens Salad

You'll have 2 soup options at your dinner table:

  • Broccoli Cheddar

  • Chicken Noodle

Allergy/Dietary Restrictions: If you requested something different because of allergy or dietary restrictions, there will be a table with food set aside for you.

Drinks: water, coffee, soda, and tea.

Kids Stuff:

1. CHECK-IN: Check-in your kids (at the check-in station in the kids wing), and drop them off in the locations listed below.  

2. KIDS LOCATIONS: (See Campus Map Below)

  • Babies (ages 0-23 months = Nursery)  

  • Preschool (ages 2-5 = Preschool Room)

  • Elementary (ages 6-11 = Elementary Room) 

3. DINNER FOR KIDS: We will provide dinner and snacks

  • Nursery (0-23 months): veggie stix, animal crackers, apple sauce pouches

  • Preschool (Ages 2-5): Salvators pizza, fruit snacks, applesauce pouches, veggie stix, graham crackers, animal crackers, water bottles, juice boxes

  • Elementary (Ages 6-11): Salvators pizza, apple slices, cheese doodles, veggie stix, popcorn, cookies, water bottles, juice boxes

  • If your child needs something different for dietary reasons, please plan accordingly.  

4. KEEP YOUR PHONE HANDY: Just in case the kids volunteers need to contact you if your baby or child needs you for a few minutes.


We'll wrap things up right at 6:30pm.  

We pray that our time together will equip, encourage, and inspire you as you invest your lives in your group members. See you Sunday night!

6 Things To Prepare For The Winter Group Trimester

Hi Group Leaders,

Our Winter Community Group Trimester begins in just 1 1/2 weeks!

Our Winter Trimester is 11 weeks long (January 14th - March 30th), followed by a 6-week Spring Trimester (April 14th - May 18th).

Here is what you need to do to prepare for a great group launch.

1. Communicate With Your Group Members and Prospects

  • Send an email with the first week details - location, time, meal plans, childcare plans, growth goal's brainstorm.

  • Call or text each group member - checkin in, invite them back, and verify their group plans. Share the load - divvy up group members between leaders and apprentices for followup.

  • Invite prospective Group Members to meet you in the lobby on Sunday - Connect before your first group meeting. They'll be more comfortable and more likely to show up if they have already met you.

2. Decide What You Will Discuss

  • This trimester we'll be discussing the following sermon series:

  • The Ripple Effect (January 7 - February 11)

  • Description:

    • One drop of water spreads a ripple that continues much further than its initial impact. The greatest ripple our world has ever seen began with the message of the gospel. But what is the gospel, and why does it matter? Does it really make a difference in our lives, city, and world? If so, how can we practically spread the gospel to everyone? In this series, we’ll explore the good news of the gospel and learn how we can take that good news to the world.

  • Schedule:

    • January 7 - When Your Faith Is Stale (Romans 6:5-11)

    • January 14 - Does Your Heart Break? (Matthew 9:35-38)

    • January 21 - What Makes Christianity Compelling? (John 13)

    • January 28 - Loving Your Neighbors (Selected Texts)

    • February 4 - Overflow (Psalm 23:5, John 7:37-38)

    • February 11 - Going Public With Your Faith - Open Baptism (Acts 2)

  • Dear God (February 18 - March 24)

  • Description:

    • Talking to God sounds simple, but many of us struggle with prayer. We don't know what to say. We wonder if God hears us. We wonder if our prayers really make a difference. We get bored and distracted. How do I know if I'm doing it right? In this series, we'll explore these questions and look at practical ways we can develop a meaningful and effective pattern of prayer.

  • Schedule:

    • February 18 - My Problems With Prayer (Matthew 26:39-44)

    • February 25 - The Necessity of Prayer (John 15:4-8)

    • March 3 - Teach Me To Pray (Matthew 6:4-13)

    • March 10 - Formed Prayers - Praying Scripture (Selected Texts)

    • March 17 - Specific Prayers - Alone and With Others (Selected Texts)

    • March 24 - Dangerous Prayers (Psalm 139)

  • Interested in a video study or discussing a book of the Bible?

    • View Bible Study Curriculum options HERE.

    • View Video Curriculum options HERE.

3. Plan Your Weekly Schedule

  • Download the Volunteer Schedule Template HERE.

  • Instead of asking for people to sign up for shared group responsibilities on the first night, bring a preassigned schedule to your first meeting.

  • Let people know they can connect with you as leaders if there is a schedule conflict or a role they are not comfortable serving in.

  • This is a great way to share leadership by sharing responsibilities for snack, childcare, hosting, and even facilitation.

4. Brainstorm Growth Goals Ahead of Time

  • Give you and your group members time to brainstorm their own growth goals before you set them. Send a link to these goals in your first email or a text: www.northridgeleaders.com/growth-goals

  • If you just try to decide a goal on the spot, you may experience less impact.

  • Encourage goals that are specific, have a due date, have a clear plan, and have an accountability partner to encourage follow through.

5. Invite Prospective Leaders to Re:Group on February 4th

  • Do you have apprentice leaders or prospective leaders who you'd like to join you as a Group Leader?

6. Remind Everyone of The Vision For Community Groups

  • Reminding your group members of the purpose of groups should be something you communicate regularly, throughout the trimester and especially at the beginning of each trimester.

  • Remind them of the purpose: Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for Others.

  • Reminder them of the structure: start and end times, expectations for involvement, prayer time, social connections, childcare plans.

  • Remind them that groups are not just about us and we want to make room for others to join us.

  • These reminders will be included for review in your Week-1 discussion plan on our Group Leaders website.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

Why Do We Feel Lonely At Church?

Staying Spiritually Vibrant

4 Sure Ways To Burn Out As A Group Leader

What Can We Expect From Group?

Video Curriculum Streaming Options

Book Of The Bible Curriculum & Discussion Ideas

3 Things Every Group Should Do To Set Your Group Up For Future Success

As of tomorrow, we only have 2 more weeks until the winter break begins (November 18).

As you wind down your fall trimester, here are 3 things every group should do to set your group up for future success.

1. Next Trimester Plan

What is next for your group?

Do you need new leaders? Are you planning to multiply?

Multiplication/Leadership Plan:

As we talked about at Re:Group in September, if your group plans to multiply, it is vital to talk about it early and often. If you plan to multiply, you'll want to communicate those details to your group the last 2 weeks of group.

  • Who is going to lead?

  • What will the new groups look like?

  • When is the first date of your new group?

Discussion Plan:

What are the spiritual needs of your group? What would be most healthy for your group to discuss together in January?

Our Upcoming Teaching Series:

In January - March our church will be doing a teaching series on saturating our hearts, our church, and our community with the Gospel. We'll be doing an open baptism service on February 11th, and we'll be doing a 6 week series on prayer after that.

If you have questions about multiplication or need ideas of what to discuss with your group, reach out to your coach and review the materials below.

2. Growth Goals Review

Did you set growth goals 7 weeks ago? How are those going?

As you wrap up the trimester, make sure to checkin on everyone's progress.

We can always use another boost, accountability, encouragement, and prayer as we seek to grow in our walk with Christ.

Make sure to discuss this with your group this week in prayer time.

3. Holiday Plans

We have a rather long break between our fall and winter trimester. Almost 2 months. The Winter Trimester begins January 14. That can be a long time to be disconnected from community.

What can your group do to stay connected?

Add a date to your calendar this week for a social:

  • Friendsgiving/Thanksgiving Dinner

  • Football and chili hangout on a Sunday afternoon

  • A Christmas party (gingerbread house decorating, white elephant gift, etc.)

You may also consider setting up prayer partners for the break, that way everyone has at least one person checking in with them regularly until your next meeting.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

Additional Resources You May Find Helpful

When and How To Multiply Your Group

3 Ideas To Help Your Group Grow Relationally and Spiritually

7 Ways To Build Relationships During The Holiday Break

10 Christmas Social and Serving Ideas

Video Curriculum Streaming Options

Book Of The Bible Curriculum & Discussion Ideas

3 Ideas To Help Your Group Grow Spiritually & Relationally

Hi Group Leaders,

We are on the home stretch of the fall Community Group Trimester. 3 more weeks until the winter break begins (November 18).

As you look to make the most of your last 3 weeks, here are 3 ideas to help your group grow spiritually and relationally.

1. Prayer Partners

I've seen several groups, including my own, recently hand out 3x5 cards in the prayer time. Everyone takes a moment to write down their name and prayer requests before sharing them.

Then they exchange their card with another person in the group.

For those who have never prayed out loud, this is a great tool to make it easier to pray. All they have to do is read what their partner wrote.

To make sure that we don't forget to pray during the week, each group member is asked to reach out to their partner at least 1x during the week via text, phone call, or in-person to check on how their partner is doing and pray for them.

They can also put the 3x5 card in a visible place as a daily reminder to pray for them.

2. Acts Plan

As a Church we are teaching through the beginning of the book of Acts. Acts is 28 chapters long.

The book of Acts is perfect 4-week Bible reading plan to do with your group. We have 5 weeks left of the series.

Why not invite your group to do the Bible Project 28-Day Acts Reading Plan in YouVersion?

Each day my group has been reading this together, and sharing our takeaways in the YouVersion app so we can see what we are learning.

3. Celebrate Communion & Meal

This Sunday we are taking a look at what the first church looked like in Acts 2:41-47.

A huge part of the early church was eating in homes together and using bread and juice to celebrate communion.

Either this week, or before the group trimester is out, set up a meal and spend time meditating on the Gospel together through communion.

How Can We Help You?

How is your group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with? Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

1 Easy Way For Your Group To Serve and Connect

Hi Group Leaders,

One of the most frequent comments we get from our end-of-the-year Community Groups survey, is that people wish that they could have more connections together outside of their group meetings.

Well, here is one opportunity for your group to connect together and impact others; an opportunity to be missional with your group.

Our Brighton Campus Launch is just 1 month away, but there is a lot that needs to happen before then.

Would your group be willing to do a Brighton Campus serving project?

If so, reach out to our Brighton NYM Resident Josh Myles to coordinate: jmyles@NorthridgeRochester.com

Below is a list of some of the things we are working on and groups may be able to help with, including a meal train for the workers who are doing the finishing touches on the building.

  • Hanging all the TV's and connecting them to Chromecast and Network

  • Vacuuming every room

  • Vacuum brown furniture for the green room

  • Cleaning the gym floor

  • Setup and lint roll all of the auditorium chairs

  • Clean the bathrooms

  • Assemble furniture

  • Assemble cubby units for kids ministry areas

  • Set up tables and chairs in classrooms

  • Go room by room and clean/dust/set things up appropriately

  • Wipe down the kids playland with clorox wipes

  • Move toy bins from closet into appropriate rooms (wipe down bins)

  • Setup cubicles and desks in the office spaces

  • Build the shelves for the cafe prep area and set them in place

  • Check on the gas attached to the stove in the kitchen and make it work

  • Find high top tables for the kids min check ins, connect and gathering room

  • Setup the connect space, t-shirt racks or something for drip to sit on

  • Fully clean kitchen, wipe down everything

  • Wash windows inside and out

  • Stretch fabric on 6 acoustic panels for the auditorium

  • Dust or wipe down the ceiling in the auditorium

  • Inventory cleaning closet 

How Can We Help You?

How are your first few weeks of group going? Are there any challenges or issues you or your group are struggling with?

Reach out to your coach to setup a meeting. We'd love to help!

What's Coming Up For Community Groups?

Hi Group Leaders,

I hope you have been enjoying your summer, had some opportunities to get away and get some rest, and connect with friends and family.

I wanted to share a few updates with you as we prepare for a new season of Community Groups.

Fall Trimester

Our Fall Community Group Trimester is just over 6 weeks away, beginning on Sunday, September 17th.

We'll be meeting for 9 weeks, from September 17th to November 18th.

Group Leader Kickoff

Before our Fall Trimester begins, we'll all meet up together on Sunday night, September 10th, for our Re:Group Leader Kickoff.

At Re:Group we'll be addressing a tension we may all feel a times:

  • How do we make space for new people to our group without ruining our group?

Our church is growing, and many people have yet to connect with a group.

While we want to make space for new people to connect in groups, we don't want to make it harder for our current group members to connect.

  • How do we get new people to join our group?

  • What if our group is already too large?

  • What if we don't want to multiply our group into 2 groups?

  • What if we want to start a new group, but don't know how?

  • How do we provide community for everyone, without killing community?

We'll meet from 5:00pm-7:15pm with dinner, childcare, and breakouts all designed to answer those questions and more.

Look for more details soon.

Who in your group can you invite to Re:Group?

If you have potential leaders in your group, inviting them to join you a Re:Group is one of the best ways to inspire them to join you in leadership.

What is Changing For Your Group?

As we begin a new season of Community Groups, we recognize your group may be experiencing changes.

In the weeks ahead we'll be looking to connect new people to Community Groups. In order to help everyone find the right group for them, we want to make sure our current group info is correct on our Group Finder.

Can you let us know of any changes to your group this fall?

  • Leaders

  • Campus Change (New Brighton Group?)

  • Night of the Week

  • Time

  • Meeting Format (In-Person or Online)

  • Childcare

  • Stage of Life (Demographics)

  • Address

  • Roster updates (Who needs to be added or removed?)

If your group is experiencing any of those changes, can you let your Coach know? We can help you make those updates to your roster and Group Finder listing.

We are here to walk alongside of you and support you however we can as you seek to grow in Christ and inspire faith in others!

We are looking forward to what God has in store this fall as we Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, and Care for Each Other in Community Groups!

What thoughts or questions do you have?

Email me or share your ideas on the Northridge Leaders Facebook Group.

2 Ways To Thrive Spiritually While Group is On Break

Our Community Group season is coming to an end next week. But just because your group is not meeting, that doesn't mean that community needs to stop.

Right at the beginning of the Bible, we read "It is not good for man to be alone." - Gen. 2:18

We do not do well when we live in isolation.

We are in a spiritual battle for our souls! And we can't survive alone.

If we are going to thrive instead of die spiritually this summer, here are 2 things I would encourage you and your group to do.

2 Ways To Thrive Spiritually While Group is On Break.

1. Set Summer Growth Goals for the Summer

You may not be seeing each other on a weekly basis, but in your last 2 weeks of group, talk with each other about one step you can each take to grow in your faith this summer.

Then touch base with each other throughout the summer on your progress:

  • You could assign Growth Goal Accountability Partners for the Summer.

  • Send a weekly text to check in with the guys or girls.

  • Schedule coffee or a bite one-on-one.

  • Set up a monthly, bi-weekly, accountability breakfast with the guys or girls.

  • Set a regular reminder on your phone to ask your group members about their progress.

2. Decide on Summer Plans To Connect by May 26th.

Enjoy the summer break. We all need to rest. And don't feel guilty about not meeting each week. This is a season of sabbath for Community Groups to replenish and hit the ground running this fall.

But Community Group is more than meetings.

What regular patterns can you establish with your group to stay connected throughout the summer when you are not meeting?

  • Pick a shared Bible Reading Plan

  • Text a Scripture each day to each other

  • Pick a book to read and discuss

  • Sit together Sundays

  • Decide after which Sunday service you'll visit together in the lobby

Check out these 10 ideas for summer connections.

Get some dates or plans on the calendar now, or your summer is likely to pass you by without your group connecting.


If you have any questions about groups or anything else at Northridge, reach out to your coach.

We'd love to support you in anyway that we can.

Upcoming Dates

Additional Resources That May Be Helpful

What's Next For Your Group? - 4 Steps To Finishing Well

Hi Group Leaders,

Our Community Group season is winding down. 4 more weeks of group.

With the end in sight, here are 4 things we can do to finish our group well.

1. Decide Summer Plans

Summer is an amazing opportunity to get outside with your group, do a BBQ, go to a park, grab ice cream, watch an outdoor movie, etc.

If you don't get dates on your calendar before the trimester ends, you are less likely to connect over the summer.

Try to set 1 monthly gathering on the calendar for June, July, and August.

One of the best ways to do this is to just schedule a meeting on the same week of every month, on the night you normally meet for group.

For example, the 3rd Tuesday of every month (6/20, 7/18, 8/15).

Even if you don't have the social activity decided yet, you at least have the date reserved on your calendar.

2. Talk with Future Leaders

One of the best ways to ensure group health and prevent leader burn-out, is to share the load. The more the merrier. Who in your group has leadership potential?

If you haven't broached the conversation with them yet, now is the time. Invite them over for dinner or chat with them on Sunday and drop the idea in their mind.

If you have already talked with them about the role, invite them to help you plan or host a summer social.

If they are not yet members of Northridge, invite them to attend the next Membership Class on May 21st.

3. Invite Feedback

What we don't know, CAN hurt us. We may assume everyone is loving group, or that someone is struggling with group, but we won't know for sure until we ask.

Send out an email or hand out 3x5 cards in one of your upcoming meetings and ask 2 questions:

  1. What do you love most about our group?

  2. What is one idea you have to improve our group?

Ask them now before the group season is over, that will give you time to discuss their feedback together, and make adjustments for the fall.

4. Discuss The Future

  • What is next for your group?

  • Do you need new leaders?

  • Do you need to change up your group night?

  • Do you need to figure out different childcare plans?

  • Do you need to create room for new people?

  • Is the group too large to effectively care for each other?

  • Is now the time to make plans for multiplication?

These can be difficult decisions to make. Don't just wait until August to decide, begin the conversation now.

Not sure what's next, or how to make these changes?

Include your group coach in the conversation. We'd love to help you figure out what is best for you and your group.

4 more weeks until Summer. Let's finish strong!

Upcoming Dates


If you have any questions about groups or anything else at Northridge, please reply to the email or reach out to your coach.

We'd love to support you in anyway that we can.

Additional Resources That May Be Helpful

When & How Should Your Group Multiply?

10 Simple Ideas To Connect With Your Group This Summer

The Top 2 Things Group Members Wish Were Different About Your Group

4 Sure Ways To Burn Out As A Group Leader

How To Find and Keep New People

Only Half Of My Group Showed Up Last Night

Northridge Group Leader Podcast

Do This At Your Group This Week

Hi Group Leaders,

This week we begin the final Community Groups trimester of the year.

As we get ready for the last 6 weeks of the group, here are few details you should know to help you finish strong.

Upcoming Sermon Series

Who is This Jesus? (On Location Israel Series)

Most Americans have heard the name of Jesus. Maybe they’ve even heard a few things He said or did. But who is Jesus really? What was He like? Where did He live? What did He really care about? We’ll explore these questions and more while on location in Israel, where Jesus walked and spent His days on earth.

  • 4/16 - Jesus invitation for Nicodemus to believe (John 3)

  • 4/23 - Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead (John 11)

  • 4/30 - Jesus cleansing of the temple (John 2:13-17

  • 5/6 - Jesus Transfiguration (Matthew 16-17)

Seven Subtle Sins of Society

What if there were things in our life that we had no idea were destroying us? Like a frog in a kettle who doesn’t know he’s about to be boiled, Christians in the 21st century often fail to notice the pieces of our society that are causing havoc to our souls. In this series, we want to expose accepted, overlooked, and subtle sins of society, so we can avoid their pitfalls and instead follow the path that leads to life. 

  • 5/13 - Comfort (Matthew 16:21-26)

  • 5/20 - Gossip (James 3)

- Spring Trimester Ends -

  • 5/27 - Control (James 4:13-17)

  • 6/4 - Comparison (Luke 18:9-14)

  • 6/11 - Complacency (Amos 6:1-7)

  • 6/18 - Consumerism (Haggai 1:2-8)

  • 6/25 - Gluttony (Philippians 3:18-20)

This Weeks Group Discussion

This week Drew is teaching on the story of Nicodemus from John 3. We see Nicodemus considering faith in Jesus, but not sure if he believes.

This is a great week to ask the people in your group where they are at in their faith journey. If you have people on the front end of faith or considering Christianity, this could be a good opportunity to encourage them to cross the line of faith, and potentially pray to receive Christ right in your prayer time.

If that may be too intimidating, perhaps you could setup a time after your group meeting to grab coffee or a meal with them and talk with them about placing their faith in Christ.

Inconsistent Attendance

I see this every year, after a long Rochester winter, group attendance tends to drop off in the spring. It may be the Sunday holidays, kids sports schedules, or it could be that when the days are longer and warmer, people would rather be outside doing something else.

While you can't make people show up, one of the ways to push against the trend of drifting at the end of the groups year, is to set Growth Goals together as a group.

It doesn't take long when we are disconnected from Christian Community to make decisions we regret or grow distant in our relationship with Christ.

Take some time in group this week to set goals together.

Upcoming Dates


If you have any questions about groups or anything else at Northridge, please reply to the email or reach out to your coach.

We'd love to support you in anyway that we can.

Additional Resources That May Be Helpful

How To Find and Keep New People

How Do You Get People To Show Up To Group?

Only Half Of My Group Showed Up Last Night

Why Group Relationships Are Ineffective

5 Reasons We Need Group Relationships In Addition To Our Existing Relationships

When & How Should Your Group Multiply?

Northridge Group Leader Podcast

I'm Not Very Good At This - Measuring Success

Hi Group Leaders,

This is the last week of our Winter Community Group trimester. We'll take a 2 week break and meet for 6 more weeks beginning April 16th.

Have you ever gotten to the end or a group trimester and wrestled with how group is going and how you are doing as a leader?

Maybe you've found yourself thinking, "I'm not a very good group leader."

It is easy to get lost in our shortcomings or the list of things that we could be doing that we are not doing, that we miss what God is doing.

So, how do you know if you are succeeding as a leader? How do you measure whether or not your group is successful?

Remember the goal: Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, and Care for Each Other.

Are the people in your group:

  • Reading the Bible together and wrestling with its implications for their lives?

  • Sharing their joys and hurts together?

  • Praying for and with each other?

  • Sharing stories at group meetings?

  • Texting each other outside of group?

  • Sitting or serving together on Sundays?

  • Hanging out at a restaurant, playground, or in each others homes?

If any of these is happening, celebrate it!! God is using you to help build Biblical community that is leading each other grow more like Christ.

It's been said, "Spiritual growth doesn't happen in a day, but it does happen daily." We grow day-by-day, week-by-week, month-by-month, and year-by-year as we share our lives together.

Thanks for helping create a safe place where people can belong, believe, and become more like Christ!

3 Great Ways To End Your Group Trimester

With this being the last week of the Community Group trimester, here are 3 things you might consider doing in your final meeting:

  1. Share a meal together

  2. Celebrate communion over the meal (Communion Instructions)

  3. Spend time praying for and celebrating what God is doing through the Mountain Mover series and the future launch of the Brighton Campus. Use the Mountain Mover Prayer cards (Found HERE)

Upcoming Dates


If you have any questions about groups or anything else at Northridge, please reply to the email or reach out to your coach.

We'd love to support you in anyway that we can.

Additional Resources That May Be Helpful

Mountain Mover Website

Maximizing Prayer Time

When & How Should Your Group Multiply?

Northridge Group Leader Podcast

What You Need To Know About Leading During the Mountain Mover Series in March

This Sunday (3/5) we begin our 4-week Mountain Mover sermon series. In this series we'll take a look through the Gospels at the 4 times Jesus said, "You of little faith."

As we mentioned before this group trimester began, we would like every Community Group to discuss this sermon series together over the next 4 weeks. It is an important series for the life of our church as we stretch our faith and share vision for our Brighton Campus.

Here are a few details you should know about as you prepare to lead your Community Group through this series:

Mountain Mover Booklets

This Sunday (3/5), everyone will receive a Mountain Mover booklet with details about our Brighton Campus as well as sermon notes and sermon discussion questions. Make sure to remind your group to bring this booklet with them on Sundays and to group.


This week we are beginning a 28-Day Prayer Challenge. Set aside time each day to pray for life change within yourself, others at Northridge, and the people of our city. There are prayer cards available in the church lobbies on Sunday and anyone can turn on daily prayer notifications on the Northridge app.

Prayer Night

On Sunday, March 12th, 5:30pm-7:30pm, we'll have an open house prayer night at our Brighton Campus. Invite your group members to join you, walk through the building, and pray for what God may do to build His kingdom in the days ahead!

Mountain Mover Website

As you or group members have questions about the Brighton Campus and all that is happening at our church during this series, this is the best place place to go. Before group this week, we'd encourage you to take a look at the website so you can be prepared to answer any questions in your group.



One of our staff values is "influence". We say it this way, "We will lead the way, not just point the way."

As Community Group Leaders, the best way to lead our group members is by first being lead by God.

Take some time to pray for what God may do in your heart during this series as we pray for God to stretch our faith and move mountains we never thought could move.

"He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” - Matthew 17:20

Upcoming Dates


If you have any questions about groups or anything else at Northridge, reach out to your coach.

We'd love to support you in anyway that we can.

Additional Resources That May Be Helpful

Why Group Relationships Are Ineffective

Maximizing Prayer Time

Sharing Caring

When & How Should Your Group Multiply?

Northridge Group Leader Podcast