
47 Ideas For Group Prayer Time and Personal Prayers

We surveyed our group leaders and members to learn the best prayer practices for praying in your group, with your group members, and for personal prayer time.

We had 24 ideas for praying with your group and 23 ideas for personal prayer. 

Below is a summary of what we learned. 

What is 1 idea you can use in your group and your own personal prayer time? 

24 Ideas For Group Prayer Time:

  • Who You Pray With:

    1. Split Gender: for more intimate or personal sharing 

    2. Smaller Groups: 2-4 people for more sharing/closer relationships 

    3. Accountability: only 2 people pray together. Ask same 3 questions each week: 

      • 1. How was your week? 

      • 2. What next step are you going to commit to this week?. 

      • 3. How can we hold you accountable/what do you need from us?

  • Sharing Prayer Requests:

    1. 3x5 Cards: Write prayer on 3x5 Card with phone number and name, exchange for check in during week 

      • Sticky Note: use instead of card so you can post it somewhere you’ll see 

    2. Group Texting: Share prayer requests at meeting, follow up through text during week, share results during week for celebration/prayer

      •  Groupme Texting app: Use this app to help you organize group texts 

    3. Email: Emailing prayer requests and updates during week 

    4. Praying Instead of Sharing Requests: Instead of sharing your requests and then praying for them, pray your requests. Then you can spend more time praying instead of talking about prayer.

    5. Write Down Requests: Add prayer requests to notes app or notebook to share or review personally. 

  • Accountability/Followup:

    1. Assign Weekly Partners: Exchange 3x5 cards or pair up another way for weekly check in.

    2. Daily Prayer For Someone Struggling: Assign a different group member each day to pray with and for a group member who is really struggling. 

  • What to Pray:

    1. Praise and Request: 1 thing you are thankful for, 1 request .

    2. Confess Sins and Be Vulnerable: group members will follow the leaders example.

    3. Bring A Prepared List: Bring a list of things to pray for during prayer time.

    4. 3 Topics (Thanks/Growth/Request): 

      • 1 thing you are thankful for

      • 1 area you need to grow (a goal)

      • 1 general request 

    5. 3 Accountability Questions: 

      • 1. How was your week? 

      • 2. What next step are you going to commit to this week?. 

      • 3. How can we hold you accountable/what do you need from us?

    6. If Nothing Personal Is Requested: If people don’t share a personal request we get to pick a prayer request for them and each pray that for them (like a fruit of the Spirit).

  • Format:

    1. Praying Instead of Sharing Requests: Instead of sharing your requests and then praying for them, pray your requests. Then you can spend more time praying instead of talking about prayer.

    2. Before Discussion: Pray before discussion to prioritize enough time to pray so it is not rushed in the end.

    3. Short Prayers: Pray 1 sentence prayers or short prayers to make it safer for those who are new to prayer. 

    4. Ask For Volunteers:

      • This makes it safe for those who are not comfortable praying. Not everyone has to pray, but we can pray for everyone.

    5. Popcorn Prayers: Have everyone pray spontaneously, instead of a circle, to make it safe for those who are uncomfortable with prayer and don’t want to be put on the spot. 

    6. Immediate Prayers: Have a person pray right after each person shares instead of trying to pray for all of the requests at the end. 

    7. Praying For Person On Your Left

    8. Set a Timer: Set a timer for each person to share so everyone gets equal sharing time, this helps when you have some especially long winded people.

23 Ideas for Personal Prayer Time:

  • Time (When):

    1. Continuous Prayer: Prayer throughout the day. Make the resting place of your mind to focus on Jesus between tasks and throughout the day.

    2. Morning: Praying first thing in the morning 

      • Go to bed on time so I can wake up early.

    3. Evening: Praying in evening when more awake 

    4. Multiple Times Daily: Praying same times each day (morning, meals, in car, before bed)

    5. Prayer in Car 

    6. With Other Habits: pair prayer with another daily habit that you do the same time each day. 

    7. The same time each day

  • Strategies:

    1. Praying Out Loud: in my personal prayer time

    2. Use Bible: reading, meditation, memorization to focus your prayers 

    3. Prayer Walks 

    4. Journaling Prayers: Write out your prayers 

    5. Praying With Spouse 

      • before bed 

      • While going for a walk

    6. Praying In a Massage Chair

    7. Give Spirit Control: Ask the Spirit to redirect your mind and heart.

  • Guides:

    1. The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)

    2. ACTS acrostic: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication 

    3. 1 Scripture Verse: Focus on 1 verse, pray over scripture over people. 

  • Tools:

    1. Prayer Apps:

    2. Worship Music: Use worship music for prayer 

    3. Devotionals: My Utmost for His Highest, The Songs of Jesus

    4. Sticky Note Reminders: on wall/mirror with each group member name.

    5. Digital Reminders: Set reminders/prayer alarm on phone.

    6. Prayer Lists

What is 1 idea you can use in your group and your own personal prayer time? 

The Top 2 Things Group Members Wish Were Different About Your Group

Every June we send out an end-of-the-year Community Group survey to all of our Community Group members and leaders.  You have probably filled out one of these surveys. This survey provides valuable feedback so we can improve our group environments.

We take all of the results of the survey and summarize the comments to look for trends we should address.

I wanted to share with you the top 2 issues group attendees wished were different about their group.

#1 - More Social Gatherings

This was the number one thing group members wished was different about their group. 

One of the most significant ways to increase our influence in another person's life is by developing a closer friendship with them.  

We can't be best friends with everyone in group, but the more opportunities we take as a group to connect with each other, the more people will feel like they belong. When belonging grows people are more likely to participate and share what is really happening in their lives.

What is one thing your group can do to develop deeper connections outside of group?

- A guys or girls night or breakfast
- A Thanksgiving dinner
- A Christmas party
- Serving together (
- Grabbing lunch after Sunday services
- Checking out a local venue like Radio Social

Put a date on your calendar now before the your holiday calendar fills up.

#2 - Starting and Ending On Time

This is the second most common issue that group members wish was different about their group. 

When someone shows up to group and they are unsure when it is going to end, they may be less likely to attend the following week. They may have to get up early for work or school, the kids need to get to bed, they have homework they need to finish up, or maybe they just want to get home to watch their favorite show. Whatever the case, this is a frequent frustration group members feel.

What can you do to better ensure your group starts and ends on time?

- Agree on the starting and ending time and remind your group regularly throughout the trimester.
- Set a schedule for group: When should everyone show up, and when to start and end the icebreaker, group discussion, and prayer time.
- Ask a group member to be a time keeper with the agreed upon schedule.
- Break into smaller prayer groups so you don't need to get through as many prayer requests.
- Try using prayer cards to keep group prayer time focused.

What does your group need to work on? 
What have you found helpful for your group to connect together or start and end on time?  
We'd love to learn from you!  

Jason DeGraaffCommunity Groups PastorLife is Better Connected

Jason DeGraaff

Community Groups Pastor

Life is Better Connected


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