Soul Food

As we discuss this sermon series on rhythms this may be a good opportunity to review your Growth Goals with your group members and how each of you are progressing.

There are just 3 weeks left of our Community Group trimester.

2018.05.06 - Drew Karschner - "Soul Food" Part 1 of the "Sacred Rhythms" series When it comes to following Christ, most of what we know about who God is and what He wants for us it built upon one source: the Bible. But how much do we value God’s holy and flawless Word? Is it something we can’t live without, or have we become numb to its power? Spending time in God’s word is a rhythm in life we can’t afford to live without. John 5:39

Hidden In The Shadows


This is a great week to celebrate Communion in group as you discuss God's forgiveness and grace in spite of our sin and shame. Take a few minutes at the end of discussion and before prayer time to talk about how the Gospel relates to our shame and celebrate Communion.

2018.04.29 - Drew Karschner - "Hidden in the Shadows" Part 4 of the "Silent Killers" series In many situations, the guilty and the innocent have one thing in common: shame. Shame is a burden that many of us carry and it leads us to believe the lies of the enemy. Satan would like us to keep it to ourselves, but God longs to heal what He brings to the light. Matthew 26

When God Doesn't Come Through

2018.04.22 - Drew Karschner - "When God Doesn’t Come Through" Part 3 of the "Silent Killers" series Being let down by someone we care about can be devastating. We expected them to come through, but they didn’t. Although we may not realize it, expectations carry a heavy weight that often isn’t communicated. And if they are kept silent for too long, they can be deadly to our relationships. Matthew 26

Not Today

2018.04.15 - Drew Karschner- "Not Today" Part 2 of the "Silent Killers" series How you feel about yourself and your life is important. Many people live life without hope for themselves or the life they are living. They wonder if they were gone if anyone would even notice, and thoughts like this consume them. If these thoughts stay hidden long enough, the cost can be great.

Get Out Of My Head

If you didn't meet last week because of Easter or Spring Break, make sure to cover the following details this week:

  • Purpose of Groups: Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for Each Other
  • Group Agreement
  • Volunteer Schedule
  • Start and End Dates
  • Weekly Group Meeting Schedule
  • Growth Goals

You can find each of those covered in the second page of the Sermon Discussion document this week.  The 1st page includes the sermon discussion notes for this week.

2018.04.08 - Drew Karschner- "Get out of My Head" Part 1 of the "Silent Killers" series Worry is something most people struggle with. We worry about our finances, kids, jobs, health, and so many other things. Worry is often not expressed aloud but stays in our hearts and minds. The longer our worries stay silent the more deadly they become. Matthew 6

Stronger Stuff

Whether or not you are discussing the sermon in your group this week, make sure to review the following items with your group:

  • Purpose of Groups: Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for Each Other
  • Group Agreement
  • Volunteer Schedule
  • Start and End Dates
  • Weekly Group Meeting Schedule
  • Growth Goals

You can find each of those covered in the first page of the Sermon Discussion document this week.  The 2nd page includes the sermon discussion notes for the Easter Sermon.

2018.04.01 - Drew Karschner- "Stronger Stuff" Part 3 of the "Overflow" series Sometimes in life you run into a problem or circumstance that is more than you can handle on your own. You used all of your strength and it wasn’t enough. You gave it all you had. The truth is, you need someone or something stronger. With the greatest act of generosity, God gave us His Son and through His death and resurrection we have access to much stronger stuff. Luke 24:1-6

Something's Missing

2018.03.25 - Drew Karschner- "Something's Missing" Part 2 of the "Overflow" series When it comes to generosity many of us think we’d give more if we had more. But is that really the case? The truth is, if you are not generous with what you have now, you won’t be generous when you have more. So how can we become generous now? Matthew 19:6-22 Looking to listen to the songs​ from Sunday​? Check out these spotify playlists! ​​Spotify Playlist​: SundaySetlist​ Spotify Playlist​: ​FullSongRotation​

The Heart of Generosity

2018.03.18 - Aaron Hixson - "The Heart of Generosity" Part 1 of the "Overflow" series Generosity sounds good, right? I mean, who doesn't want to be generous? But the thing is... generosity is actually hard: giving without expectation of return runs against just about everything inside us. We might be able to do some generous things, but becoming a person OF generosity.. that's tough. That requires change at a deeper level. Change that starts with our heart. Matthew 6:19-21

Not Ashamed

As we wrap up the Community Group Trimester, plan to take some time to celebrate Communion in your group.

To learn what your group members are thinking about their group experience, and to improve for the next trimester, have your group members fill out the End of Trimester Feedback Form.

Sermon Discussion Questions for Not Ashamed

2018.03.11 - Drew Karschner - Not Ashamed There are very few moments in life that remind us who we truly are and that we can remember when life gets really hard. When it comes to following Jesus, publicly declaring Christ as our Savior through baptism is one of those moments that we will never forget. Matthew 3

Not So Happily Ever After

As we wrap up the Community Group Trimester, plan to take some time to celebrate Communion in your group either this week or next.  

To learn what your group members are thinking about their group experience, and to improve for the next trimester, have your group members fill out the End of Trimester Feedback Form.

Sermon Discussion Questions for Not So Happily Ever After

2018.03.04 - Drew Karschner - "Not So Happily Ever After" Part 6 of the "Ruined" series Have you ever been let down? Maybe you thought this time it was going to work, but it didn’t. Nehemiah's journey with Israel is a great example of this. He thought his work was finished and the people had changed, but God had something much bigger in mind - one that Nehemiah would have to rely on God for. Nehemiah 13

The Walking Dead

If you have not yet had a chance to ask everyone in your group if they've been baptized, there is a question this week at the end of the sermon discussion questions we'd love for every group to discuss.

If anyone in your group is ready to take the step of baptism they can fill out a connections card next Sunday or register online HERE.

2018.02.25 - Drew Karschner - "The Walking Dead" Part 5 of the "Ruined" series Too often we go through life and try to look the part, but are broken inside. When people see us they might think we are spiritually on fire, but if we are honest, we are dying inside. After the walls were built in Nehemiah’s time, God called him to help revive the hearts of the people of Israel. Nehemiah 8

All Those Opposed

We would love for you to bring up the subject of baptism in your Community Group this week. On Sunday we announced that Northridge will have a baptism service on Sunday, March 11th.  We would love followers of Jesus who are not baptized to take that next step that day. If you have anyone in your group in that category, this is a great opportunity to encourage them to obey Jesus and get baptized.

There is a question at the end of the discussion notes for you to ask in group this week. If anyone is ready to take that next step they can signup online HERE.

Contact your Group Coach if you have any questions about this.

2018.02.18 - Aaron Hixson - "All Those Opposed" Part 4 of the "Ruined" series When it comes to working with people, there will always be someone who opposes our plan, right? 100% agreement just isn't a thing. But what do we do when God calls us to something, but people are standing in our way? At this look into Nehemiah's life, we'll see some principles of how to handle opposition practically while trusting in God's plan. Nehemiah 4-6

Broken For Good

2018.02.04 - Mark Nelson - "Broken for Good" Part 2 of the "Ruined" series Nehemiah was absolutely devastated when he received word about the broken condition of Jerusalem, but what was it that caused him such extreme despair? Understanding his response reveals the secret behind how God uses the broken things in our own lives to move his purposes forward. Nehemiah 1:1-4, 2:1-4

Starting In Ruins


Consider doing a Bible reading plan with your group to help each other read the Bible more consistently.  You can download the YouVersion Bible app for a shared “Plans with Friends” Bible reading experience.  Talk about it with your group before or during prayer time.  Find more details HERE.

2018.01.28 - Drew Karschner - "Starting in Ruins" Part 1 of the "Ruined" series Just when you think you have lost control you might realize you never really had it to begin with. So why do we spend so much time trying to hold onto something we never really had in the first place? Let’s explore together how we can overcome worry and our need to control, and trust in the only One who truly has control! Nehemiah 1

This Is How We Do - The Approach

Make sure to bring some 3x5 cards to group with you this week for group members to write down a growth goal for the trimester. 

2018.01.21 - Drew Karschner - "This Is How We Do - The Approach" A part of the "Come On In" series. Many organizations hold tightly to “why” and “how” they do things, but what really separates one organization from another is the approach they take to accomplish their mission. There are a lot of great churches in America but the way Northridge Church approaches ministry is pretty unique and it's what makes us Northridge. Wondering why? Well, “Come on in” and find out.

The Journey From More To Better - The Process

This week includes both Week 1 Details to cover with your group (Group ABCs, Beginning of Trimester Group Agreement, Trimester Schedule, etc) and the sermon discussion questions for this weeks sermon.  Don't try to squeeze both in.  

If you have already covered beginning of the trimester details with your group in a previous gathering, then the sermon discussion questions are included for your group to discuss this week.

2018.01.14 - Drew Karschner - "The Journey From More To Better - The Process" A part of the "Come On In" series. Most organizations have a mission, but there has to be a process if the mission is going to come to fruition. Similarly, there is a process to following Jesus, but it’s all about progress, not perfection. So, “Come on in” and take a look at how we make more and better disciples at Northridge. Philippians 1:3-6

The Why Behind The Drive

2018.01.07 - Drew Karschner - "The Why Behind the Drive - The Mission" A part of the "Come On In" series. If an organization or individual wants to succeed, they must know why they do what they do. The why is the driving force behind it all. Here at Northridge, our why is our battle cry; the mission we hold onto dearly. It shapes all that we do and keeps us focused on what we need to do next. So, “Come on in” and discover why we do what we do! Matthew 28:19

Cold & Dark

2017.12.31 - Aaron Hixson - "Cold & Dark" Christmas is Great! So is New Years! Unless it's not. A lot of people spend the holidays surrounded by people, but feeling totally alone. While our culture is "Merry and Bright", it's easy to slip into a cycle of loneliness and isolation that leaves you feeling "Cold and Dark." But what if there was a solution to loneliness? In this talk we'll explore what the Bible has to say about this reality, and what Northridge has to offer those feeling alone this time of year. Ecclesiastes 4:7-12

Making Room For Room

2017.12.24 - Drew Karschner - "Making Room for Room" The reality Jesus faced at His birth is the same one He faces today: There is no room for Him. That's what the innkeeper said at the time of his birth, and many people are still saying it today. But there is more room than we think; we just have to make it. The question is: Will we make room for Jesus? Luke 2:7