Making Room For The Wait

2017.12.17 - Drew Karschner - "Making Room for the Wait" Have you ever had to wait for something really important? In the Bible, Simeon was promised by God that he would see Jesus, but he had to trust in God’s faithfulness. The question is, do you trust God to answer His promise even if it doesn’t happen when you think it will. Luke 2

Making Room For A Sign

2017.12.10 - Drew Karschner - "Making Room for a Sign" One of the most unique characters of the first Christmas are the shepherds. But why did God choose them to be a part of one of the greatest stories ever told? Throughout history, God frequently uses average people to accomplish something truly amazing, and that’s exactly what happened with the shepherds. Luke 2

Making Room For Obedience

2017.12.03 - Drew Karschner - "Making Room for Obedience" In life, crazy and unexpected events are going to happen. Similarly, Joseph wanted to get married, not take care of a child, but God had different plans for his life. It was up to Joseph whether or not he would make room for obedience. Matthew 1

The Enduring Church - Philadelphia

2017.11.26 - Aaron Hixson - "The Enduring Church - Philadelphia" Jesus' words to the church in the city of Philadelphia speak exactly to their situation - and their situation wasn't good. They were surrounded by circumstances that made their life insecure and uncertain, but Jesus gave them words that gave them (and us as well) a solution to the instability of their lives. Revelation 3:7-13

The Lukewarm Church - Laodicia

Community Groups are on break for the holidays, but if your group is still meeting, we have provided generalized sermon discussion questions below.  Feel free to use this document as a guide for group discussions. If you have any questions or need assistance, your group coach would love to be of help. 

2017.11.19 - Drew Karschner - "The Lukewarm Church - Laodicea" It's easy to allow your faith to get to the place where it is safe and comfortable. But that's not what God calls us to. In Revelation 3, Jesus calls out a church that made their walk with Him easy and safe. What would it look like if we chose to let our faith be courageous and dangerous? Revelation 3

The Slumbering Church - Sardis

If you haven't had a chance to pass out End of the Trimester Feedback Forms, please print these out and bring them to your Community Group to fill out during group this week.  You could also bring a 3x5 card and ask people to share thoughts on those cards and give then to you as leaders at the end of group. 

2017.11.12 - Drew Karschner - "The Slumbering Church - Sardis" In today’s culture it's easy to put on a smile and act like everything is OK, when you are truly falling apart inside. We wear facades and put on plastic faces. Jesus calls out the church in Sardis for pretending to be alive when it was actually dying. This should serve as a powerful reminder to us all to keep alert or we can slowly fall into the trap of thinking that we are spiritually alive, when we are really dead. Revelation 3

The Tolerant Church - Thyatira

2017.11.05 - Drew Karschner - "The Tolerant Church - Thyatira" How do you accept the sinner, but not take part in their sin? How do you show grace and truth at the same time? These are questions we often face as Christians, much like the church in Thyatira in Revelation 2. This church became tolerant of sin, which led to Jesus’s correction. Through this letter we can learn how to show compassion to unbelievers without compromising in our walk with God. Revelation 2

The Compromising Church - Pergamum

2017.10.29 - Drew Karschner - "The Compromising Church - Pergamum" In a culture where there are so many things vying for our attention, it can be hard to remain faithful to the calling God has given us. Over time, we can start to blend in with our culture and compromise our beliefs through our actions. That is what Jesus calls out of the church in Pergamum. May this be a reminder to Christ followers that Jesus wants all of us, not just a portion of us. Revelation 2

The Suffering Church - Smyrna

We'd love for your group to celebrate Communion together this week.

What do you need to do to make this happen?

  • Read the Communion Instructions Document.
  • Give your group members a heads up.
  • Celebrate Communion during the Group prayer time.
    • It may be best if you as a group leader plan to lead communion time, then pray together with the whole group.
    • If you'd like, you could also try doing communion together in your prayer groups.
  • Leave a note in the attendance report that your group celebrated communion.

Do you have questions? Contact your Group Coach HERE.

2017.10.22 - Drew Karschner - "The Suffering Church - Smyrna" No one likes to experience pain. In fact, many of us try to avoid it at all costs. But for the church in Smyrna, pain was a necessary part of living out their faith. They faced great persecution from the Roman empire, yet they stood firm in following Jesus. In Revelation 2 we can learn how to deal with suffering and still be at our best. Revelation 2

The Forgetful Church - Ephesus

2017.10.15 - Drew Karschner - "The Forgetful Church - Ephesus" When we walk with God it's easy to replace the best things in our lives with good things. That is exactly what the church of Ephesus did in Revelation 2. They sought knowledge, but missed love. Their greatest strength became their most glaring weakness. How can we, as a church or individuals, avoid this from happening? Revelation 2

Love Does

2017.10.08 - Drew Karschner - "Love Does" Love might be one of the most overused, yet least understood, words in the English dictionary. We often think of love as a feeling, but love is a decision followed by action. One question you might have is this: Since the world we live in is so large, how can we really show our love? How do we get beyond our walls and neighborhoods and truly love like Christ commands us? Matthew 22:36-40

Designer Sex

2017.10.01 - Drew Karschner - "Designer Sex" Sex is all around us; it’s in magazines, movies, tv shows, and many advertisements. Our culture has simplified sex into a physical act, but it was designed for so much more. God created sex to establish intimacy in our marriages. The question is how do we get back to that kind of sex? 1 Corinthians 6:16-20

Finger Pointing

At the end of the discussion questions this week there is an application question encouraging each group member to write down a growth goal for this trimester to share in their prayer group.

Make sure to bring 3x5 cards or something for them to write down their growth goal.

2017.09.24 - Drew Karschner - "Finger Pointing" Whether you're dating or married, navigating relationships can be very difficult. We often blame each other for our problems, which can cause fights and even break ups. This week we’re looking to break the myth “it's not my fault” and learning to take responsibility for the part we play in relationships. Genesis 3:8-13

The Gentlemen's Club

This week includes both Week 1 Details to cover with your group (Group ABCs, Beginning of Trimester Group Agreement, Trimester Schedule, etc) and the sermon discussion questions for this weeks sermon.  Don't try to squeeze both in.  

If you have already covered beginning of the trimester details with your group in a previous gathering, then the sermon discussion questions are included for your group to discuss this week.

2017.09.17 - Drew Karschner - "The Gentlemen's Club" Unfortunately, in our culture women are often viewed as a commodity. Some men act like you can take them, use them, and trade them for a new one. But all throughout Jesus’ ministry He elevated women in a culture that degraded them, and He calls us to live the same way. 1 Corinthians 13:11

Mr. or Mrs. Right

2017.09.10 - Drew Karschner - "Mr. or Mrs. Right" A part of the "It's Not You It's Me" series. So many people believe if they could just meet Mr. or Mrs. Right all their problems would disappear and they would live happily ever after. But this way of thinking creates trouble in our relationships. What if we decided that instead of looking for the right person, we would become the right person? 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Keep It Fresh

2017.08.20 - Aaron Hixson - "Keep it Fresh" We've all gotten something new and exciting, only to discover that - after a while - it gets old. Boring. Blah. But what if that happened in our spiritual lives? What if the most important reality in our world became... boring? Old news? In this section of Paul's letter to the believers in Colossae, he gives them the foundation for keeping the good news from becoming old news. Colossians 2:1-23

Those Manipulative People

2017.08.06 - Mark Nelson - "Play-doh People" How do we respond to ​t​hose ​manipulative people in our lives? Th​ose individuals who attempt to control another person or situation in order to get something they want. In this talk, we'll discover ​two keys to overcoming manipulation in all of its forms. Isaiah 26:3-4​, Gal. 1:10