
No More Worry

This is our first week in our Mountain Mover series as we take a look at the 4 times Jesus said “You of little faith.”

With this series everyone will receive a booklet where they can take sermon notes and also see the sermon discussion questions. Encourage your group to bring the booklets with them to group.

As part of this series, we will also have a 28-day prayer challenge. The Northridge app includes a notifications option to receive those prayer requests each day. You can also download a PDF of the 28-Day Prayer Cards if you’d like to use them as a group in your prayer time together.

Learn more about the Mountain Mover series and our future Brighton campus here: www.northridgerochester.com/mountainmover

Trust Issues

We are encouraging all groups to take some time this week or next to celebrate communion together as a group. As we go through a season of isolation and uncertainty, this is a great opportunity to draw closer to Christ and each other as we remind ourselves of the certainty we have over sin and death because of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.

2020.05.10 - Drew Karschner - "Trust Issues" Our current circumstances may make a life without worry seem impossible. We worry about our jobs, health, kids, parents, relationship statuses, school loans, mortgages, and the list goes on. Unfortunately, our worries don't change our circumstances. In fact, they can actually make them worse. In this sermon, we'll discover how we can move away from worry so we can make a difference where it matters. Matthew 6:25

Get Out Of My Head

If you didn't meet last week because of Easter or Spring Break, make sure to cover the following details this week:

  • Purpose of Groups: Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for Each Other
  • Group Agreement
  • Volunteer Schedule
  • Start and End Dates
  • Weekly Group Meeting Schedule
  • Growth Goals

You can find each of those covered in the second page of the Sermon Discussion document this week.  The 1st page includes the sermon discussion notes for this week.

2018.04.08 - Drew Karschner- "Get out of My Head" Part 1 of the "Silent Killers" series Worry is something most people struggle with. We worry about our finances, kids, jobs, health, and so many other things. Worry is often not expressed aloud but stays in our hearts and minds. The longer our worries stay silent the more deadly they become. Matthew 6