

This weeks discussion focuses on the story of the woman at the well from John 4.

As Christians, our lives are centered around the story of Jesus as told in the scriptures. This is a great opportunity to read a long portion of scripture and reflect on it together.

To accompany your reading of scripture, one idea to change up group this week, would be to also watch this story imagined through the TV Mini-Series The Chosen.

Your group could read the passage together, and watch this clip of that scene or the whole episode, and then discuss the passage together.

The Heart of Generosity

2018.03.18 - Aaron Hixson - "The Heart of Generosity" Part 1 of the "Overflow" series Generosity sounds good, right? I mean, who doesn't want to be generous? But the thing is... generosity is actually hard: giving without expectation of return runs against just about everything inside us. We might be able to do some generous things, but becoming a person OF generosity.. that's tough. That requires change at a deeper level. Change that starts with our heart. Matthew 6:19-21