
Physical Ground

This is week 1 of our new series Gaining Ground and our Spring Community Group Trimester.

Make sure to review the “Beginning of Trimester Agreement” and Set “Growth Goals” with your Community Group this week in addition to discussing the sermon.

You can find the sermon discussion questions in the Gaining Ground Booklet handed out on Sunday as well as via the links provided below.

Important note:

week 1 and week 2 sermon discussion questions are listed in the wrong order in the booklet.

If using the booklet, Please use the questions on page 32 for Week 1 and the questions on page 28 for week 2

2019.03.24 - Drew Karschner - "Physical Ground" Jesus said He will build his church, and yet He invites us to be a part of that story. As a church, we are always looking for ways to fulfill our mission of more and better. As we follow God’s lead, He has led us to physical ground for our Webster campus to continue fulfilling the mission He gave us. The question is, will you be a part of it? Matthew 16

Trust The Process

Included below are Week 1 details to cover with your group, like the group agreement, volunteer schedules, and overview of how groups work to help new people get acquainted with group. The notes also include the sermon discussion questions for this week.

2019.01.13 - Drew Karschner - "Trust the Process" Discipleship doesn’t just happen, it takes discipline and hard work. As a church, we aim to help grow and connect people through a process. But every process comes with questions, and we want to answer those for you. Acts 2:42-47

This Is How We Do - The Approach

Make sure to bring some 3x5 cards to group with you this week for group members to write down a growth goal for the trimester. 

2018.01.21 - Drew Karschner - "This Is How We Do - The Approach" A part of the "Come On In" series. Many organizations hold tightly to “why” and “how” they do things, but what really separates one organization from another is the approach they take to accomplish their mission. There are a lot of great churches in America but the way Northridge Church approaches ministry is pretty unique and it's what makes us Northridge. Wondering why? Well, “Come on in” and find out.

The Journey From More To Better - The Process

This week includes both Week 1 Details to cover with your group (Group ABCs, Beginning of Trimester Group Agreement, Trimester Schedule, etc) and the sermon discussion questions for this weeks sermon.  Don't try to squeeze both in.  

If you have already covered beginning of the trimester details with your group in a previous gathering, then the sermon discussion questions are included for your group to discuss this week.

2018.01.14 - Drew Karschner - "The Journey From More To Better - The Process" A part of the "Come On In" series. Most organizations have a mission, but there has to be a process if the mission is going to come to fruition. Similarly, there is a process to following Jesus, but it’s all about progress, not perfection. So, “Come on in” and take a look at how we make more and better disciples at Northridge. Philippians 1:3-6

The Why Behind The Drive

2018.01.07 - Drew Karschner - "The Why Behind the Drive - The Mission" A part of the "Come On In" series. If an organization or individual wants to succeed, they must know why they do what they do. The why is the driving force behind it all. Here at Northridge, our why is our battle cry; the mission we hold onto dearly. It shapes all that we do and keeps us focused on what we need to do next. So, “Come on in” and discover why we do what we do! Matthew 28:19