
How To Address Unhealthy Dating Relationships

What do you do when someone in your group makes a bad relationship decision? Whether it is dating an unbeliever, living with their boyfriend, sleeping with their girlfriend, or dating while in the process of getting a divorce. This breakout will give you a Biblical framework for how to think about these issues and practical steps on how to carefully address them with the members of your group.

Sharing Caring

It’s hard enough to keep up consistently with the people in your group, let alone provide care for them. What level of care can you and your group realistically be expected to provide? And what do you do when the care issues go way past what you feel capable of handling? In this breakout we will address this tension and share with you a clear plan for how you and your group can provide care without burning yourself out.

Let Others Get The Others Talking

Facilitation is probably the hardest Community Group role to give away - Isn't facilitating discussion what a Community Group Leader does? In this breakout we'll talk about some of the best reasons to allow others to facilitate, and we'll discover the best practices in that tricky process.

More and Better Leaders

Leading alone is hard but finding coleaders can be even harder. How do you find leaders when no one in your group is ready to lead?!? In this breakout we will share a few practical ideas to address this challenge and share why there is hope that you’ll eventually have all the leaders you need.

Delegate #LikeTheBoss

What if sharing participation is less about delegating and more about the heart of the delegator? What if leadership-level spiritual transformation is dependent upon stewardship of equipping group members more than "doing" for group members? Join us for an interactive time of studying the ministry of Christ and learning how our Redeemer can reorient the worship of our hearts to transform how and why we share participation.

In God We Trust?

It’s one thing to say we trust God, it’s another thing to live as if we do. Is it possible that it’s easier to trust God with our eternity than in the day- to-day? If so, what keeps us from trusting God, and how do we grow to trust Him more? In this breakout we’ll wrestle with this tension and give practical tips to help us to authentically say, “In God we trust.”

Increasing Your Personal Desire To Pursue Christ

If you’ve ever found yourself at a place where your desire to pursue Christ was not all it should be (or maybe you’re there right now), you’re not alone. We’ll discover why this is actually a fairly common experience in the life of a believer, and some practical ways to set desire for Christ in motion.

The Best Thing I Ever Did To Grow Spiritually

Everyone is wired differently, but there are struggles we all have in common. Do you ever feel like the time you spend in God’s Word isn’t helpful? Do you ever feel like you’re “wandering” through your reading, and just trying to focus for more than a few seconds? This breakout won’t fix those problems. But it will introduce you to the tool that changed the game for me - it’s the most important part of my spiritual growth process, and this breakout will lay out WHY it’s awesome for me, and HOW you could get started with it.

Why Technology Is Irresistible (And How You Can Resist It)

What are the top five companies in the world? Apple, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Facebook. All five cooperate with one goal in mind - stealing your time and attention. Why is technology so addictive? How can we push back and find the time, energy and space for what truly matters?