If you are a new leader, considering leadership, or you've never attended at Group Leader Training at Northridge, this breakout is for you. We'll go over the responsibilities and requirements of leading as well as the practical nitty gritty of leading your group each week.
Side By Side
Whether or not you have any formal training, education, or experience in counseling, this breakout will help you build a framework that anyone can use to provide Biblical care and counsel as we aim to lovingly walk side by side with our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Those Needy People
How do you care for the people in your group who's needs go beyond what anyone seems capable of providing?
Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and depression are not just common struggles of our group members, they are an epidemic. In fact, you may put yourself in this category. Whether or not you've experienced this yourself, how do you help those in your group who are going through a season of darkness?
Caring For The Spiritually Immature
Have you ever experienced group members who are not only spiritually immature, but who also have very little desire to grow spiritually? How do you lead your group members from spiritual infancy to a growing faith?
How To Address Unhealthy Dating Relationships
What do you do when someone in your group makes a bad relationship decision? Whether it is dating an unbeliever, living with their boyfriend, sleeping with their girlfriend, or dating while in the process of getting a divorce. This breakout will give you a Biblical framework for how to think about these issues and practical steps on how to carefully address them with the members of your group.