Unfiltered Obedience

While this is the last week of our Community Group trimester break, thanks for taking some time to engage with your group, care for them, and help them apply this week’s message from the Bible.

2020.04.05 - Drew Karschner - "Unfiltered Obedience" Jesus didn’t waver in following His Father, even when He knew it would lead to rejection, death, and abandonment. The crowd that watched Him on the road, on the other hand, chose the path of least resistance and whatever was easiest. Whose example are we following today when life gets hard? Matthew 21

Unfiltered Faith

This is the last week of the Winter Community Group trimester. This is a great time to review your growth goals again with your group members.

2020.03.15 - Drew Karschner - "Unfiltered Faith" When Jesus and His disciples got caught sailing across a lake in the middle of a storm, Jesus slept while His friends panicked. This story represents many of our lives when facing difficult situations. How do we avoid panic and fear and instead trust God? Mark 4:35-41

Unfiltered Dependence

2020.03.08 - Drew Karschner - "Unfiltered Dependence" Throughout His time on earth, Jesus regularly removed Himself from people around Him to get time alone with God the Father. Jesus knew time with the Father was more important than His time with people, even when they thought they needed Him. If Jesus needed time with the Father more than anything else, what are the implications for our how we spend time with people and with God? Matthew 14

Under Control

2020.03.01 - Mark Nelson - "Under Control" If God has a plan that He will bring to pass then does what I do really make any difference at all? If God is really in control of all things then how do we explain the mess that the world seems to be in? In this talk we will wrestle with the difficult tensions that God's sovereignty seems to present, and along the way discover what our response should be. Various

Holier Than Thou

2020.02.23 - Aaron Hixson - "Holier Than Thou" If someone says that you are "Holier than Thou", it's probably not a compliment. But why is that? And what if it's true? What does it mean to be holy in the first place, and why does it seem like a bad thing? In this message we explore how God is Holy, and what that means for imperfect people like us. Isaiah 6:3

God is great. God is good.

2020.02.16 - Nate Miller - "God is great. God is good." It doesn't take long into our faith journey before we are taught that God is good. But how do we know that? How do we make sense of the evil and brokenness in our world and still be able to say that "God is good?" In this message we will examine the life of Habakkuk and learn how even in the midst of doubt and questions he was able to see the goodness of God. Habakkuk

The Most Powerful Substance Known To Man

2020.02.09.Sermon - Mark Nelson - The Most Powerful Substance Known To Man As we begin to allow God to speak for himself we learn that He is love. But what does that mean? And how has our cultural noise caused us to think about God's love differently than it actually is? Uncover the power in understanding what God's love truly means. 1 John 4:7-10

Where'd You Get That?

2020.02.02 - Aaron Hixson - "Where'd You Get That?" Whether or not you're interested in following God or believing in Him has everything to do with who you believe he is - or maybe more importantly, who you've been TOLD He is. But where does our view of God come from? In the first week of this series, we'll be evaluating how we've developed the view of God we have and whether or not we've started with the right source. James 4:8

Did You Hear?

2020.01.26 - Drew Karschner - "Did You Hear?" Gossip is so common in our day to day lives that we often dismiss how damaging it can be. If we aren’t gossiping ourselves we are often around people who are. But when someone gossips, who is hurt the most? And since it’s infiltrating so many of our relationships and workplaces, how do we overcome it? Proverbs 18:8


2020.01.19 - Drew Karschner - "Lying" Ever told a lie? Are white lies really a big deal? What do our lies reveal about us and how can we overcome our inclination to deny reality? That's what we'll discover in part 2 of "You Kiss Your Mother With That Mouth?!" Ephesians 4:21-25

The Critic

Included below are Week 1 details to cover with your group, like the group agreement, volunteer schedules, and overview of how groups work to help new people get acquainted with group. The notes also include the sermon discussion questions for this week.

2020.01.12 - Drew Karschner - "The Critic" Many of us interact with critics every day. They’re all around us, finding fault in all that we do. But God sets the example through His son Jesus of who we should be. Jesus didn’t find fault in us but instead offered us hope; we should follow His example. Ephesians 4:29 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to northridgeworship.info/music to listen again!

No Place Like Rest For The Holidays

2019.12.01 - Graham Spruill - "There’s No Place Like Rest For The Holidays" The kids are home from college, the fireplace is lit, and the scramble to get all of your shopping done is in full effect... The Holidays have arrived! Every year the Holidays bring a hustle and bustle that no other time of the year seems to match. In this message, we’ll seek to figure out how to remain sane amid the craziness of the holiday season. Psalm 131; Heb. 4:4-9

Pain = Gain

2019.11.24 - Drew Karschner - "Pain = Gain" Suffering is a part of following Jesus that we may not like or know how to handle. We can learn a lot from Paul, who dealt with suffering almost every day of his life. As we examine Paul’s life, we’ll see that he answers two really important questions: - How do we suffer well? - Why is suffering worth it? 2 Corinthians 11-12