Still Dreaming

2019.02.10 - Drew Karschner - "Still Dreaming..." In our nation's history one of the greatest fractures is racism. For far too long, people have shown prejudice toward people based on their skin color, background, and ethnicity. Yet when Jesus came and died for us, he declared that we are all equal. Maybe it’s time we start living that way. Ephesians 2:14

Boys Rule Girls Drool

2019.02.03 - Drew Karschner - "Boys Rule, Girls Drool" One of the greatest tensions in our culture today is the battle of sexism. Women in our culture have been abused, overlooked, and objectified. It was the same in the 1st century when Jesus came onto the scene. Yet instead of overlooking women, Jesus gave them value when they had none. He is calling us to do the same today. John 4

I Can't See It

If you have not had a chance to set some Growth Goals for the Community Group trimester, make sure to do that with your Community Group this week. There are some growth goal ideas included in the sermon discussion questions or you can’t print the list HERE and bring it to group. Set a goal, write it down, and ask each other about it through the trimester. It is one of the simplest ways of encouraging growth and seeing progress.

2019.01.27 - Drew Karschner - "I Can't See It" Division can be a tricky thing. We have a tendency to focus on the implications of our division and not the root of that division. If we want to understand why we are divided, it starts by understanding where division truly comes from. Galatians 5

Approach Trumps Content

If you didn’t get a chance to review the Beginning of Trimester Group Agreement last week, you can access that below. Make sure to review that as you begin the trimester to make sure everyone is on the same page.

2019.01.20 - Drew Karschner - "Approach Trumps Content" Each local church has its own unique way of doing things. Location, beliefs, culture, and values are all contributing factors to the small and big things that make them who they are. This week we will answer the question of why we as Northridge approach church the way we do. 1 Corinthians 9:20-22

Trust The Process

Included below are Week 1 details to cover with your group, like the group agreement, volunteer schedules, and overview of how groups work to help new people get acquainted with group. The notes also include the sermon discussion questions for this week.

2019.01.13 - Drew Karschner - "Trust the Process" Discipleship doesn’t just happen, it takes discipline and hard work. As a church, we aim to help grow and connect people through a process. But every process comes with questions, and we want to answer those for you. Acts 2:42-47

New Year. New You

2018.12.30 - Graham Spruill - "New Year, New You" What comes to mind when you think of the word 'discipline'? The truth is, at some level, we all long to be disciplined but we don't like the process. This is also true when it comes to our spiritual lives. This message seeks to turn the drudgery of discipline into genuine delight. Ephesians 1:15-19

The Kings Competition

2018.12.23 - Drew Karschner - "The King’s Competition" When Jesus was born He entered another King’s territory. Herod was king of that time and region and when he got word a new King was born it threatened all he had worked for. Herod hoped and worked for temporary things, but Jesus came to give us a greater hope, a hope in a life that would never fade. Matthew 2

The King's Ransom

2018.12.16 - Drew Karschner - "The King’s Ransom" When it comes to having a baby there are certain standards that parents must follow. It was the same for Jesus in his time. Joseph and Mary had to follow the Old Testament law when Jesus was born, and during this event in Jesus’ life, we see a clue into who Jesus really was and what he came to do. Luke 2:21-24

The King's Ultimatum

2018.12.09 - Drew Karschner - "The King’s Ultimatum" Jesus never shied away from who He was. He claimed to be the Son of God and that angered many religious people. And with His claim, He gave people a choice. It was clear and simple: believe what He said or reject it. There has never been a middle ground. Luke 4:14-15


2018.12.02 - Drew Karschner - "Beyond" In a culture that is all about getting, we want to be a church that is all about giving. But it should go beyond just giving money to showing love to the people around us and throughout the world. This week we’ll look beyond the walls of our church to serve and give to our community and world. John 13:34-35

Called To Work

2018.11.25 - Jonathan Walters - "Called To Work" Work can be the worst - constant deadlines, a relentless boss, annoying co-workers, day after day, week after week. But what if God has a greater purpose in our daily grind? What if our work was our loudest worship? What if our work was all about serving others? What if our work was an answer to our highest calling? God has called each of us to work - it is here that we find our true purpose in His great story. Gen.1:1, Matt.25:14-29; Rev. 21:3-5


2018.11.18 - Drew Karschner - "Royals" A part of the "Chosen" sermon series. One of things that impacts our lives the most is who raised us and how they raised us. It determines so much of how we think and act, our beliefs, and our overall outlook on life. When it comes to the gospel one of the greatest benefits is who your heavenly Father is. When we truly understand who we belong to it’s a game changer. 1 Peter 2:9


This is the last week of the Fall Community Group Trimester.

Make sure to take some time to receive feedback from your group members about their experience in your group this trimester.

They can share what they loved and any suggestions for group on a 3x5 card or by filling out the “End of Trimester Feedback Form”. Click on the button below and print out copies for your group.

2018.11.11 - Drew Karschner - "Ratification" Most people have heard the expression “It's not over until the fat lady sings.” That was true about the gospel. Jesus was dead and lying in a tomb, and it felt over, but it wasn’t. Our future literally hung in the balance for three days. Then Jesus’ payment for ours sins was ratified when He defeated death and rose from the grave. Romans 5:8


2018.11.04 - Drew Karschner - "Redemption" Everything in life has value, and that value is determined by what someone is willing to pay for it. The problem for mankind is that sin made us not very valuable. But God saw us differently and paid a steep price for us, even though we are unworthy. 2 Corinthians 5:21


2018.10.28 - Drew Karschner - "Rejected" No one likes to be rejected, but we all have been at some point in our lives. Whether it was part of the job search process, an old boyfriend or girlfriend, or not getting picked for the team, we all know how rejection feels. But all of us are born rejecting God through Adam’s sin. Yet despite our rejection of Him, He has chosen to love us. Genesis 1

Redemption At A Cost

2018.10.21 - Drew Karschner - "Redemption at a Cost" Part 6 of 6 of the "Portraits of a King" Series Sin can be fun, exciting, and provide the thrill that we desire. That is often why we choose it. Yet sin can give us tunnel vision where we see the thrill, but miss the pain and cost that follows. David didn’t understand that until Nathan called him out, and David has had to deal with the cost of his decisions. David realized sin is never worth the price we must pay for it. 2 Samuel 12

The Fallen

2018.10.14 - Drew Karschner - "The Fallen" Part 5 of 6 of the "Portraits of a King" Series Even the greatest leaders can make terrible choices. In this portrait of David he makes one of the most costly decisions of his life. No matter what position you hold or how great your life is, you are only one choice away from losing it all. Sin is powerful and it can cost you greatly; David found this out the hard way. 2 Samuel 11

No Cutting Corners

If you have not yet had an opportunity to set growth goals with your group members, this could be a great week to do that. See a list of growth goals by clicking the button below.

2018.10.07 - Drew Karschner - "No Cutting Corners" Part 4 of 6 of the "Portraits of a King" Series Leadership is one of the most actively discussed topics in our world today. Many of us strive to lead in our homes, businesses, jobs, schools, and the places we go. But do we truly understand the character traits a real leader has? In one of the most pivotal decisions in David’s life he shows us the marks of a real leader. 1 Samuel 24

Best Friends Forever

2018.09.30 - Drew Karschner - "Best Friends Forever" Part 3 of 6 of the "Portraits of a King" Series Unfortunately, in a culture with texting and social media, many of us have lost the value of true community. We only get so close to people because we don’t like being vulnerable and putting ourselves out there. David puts his life on the line and in the end, he discovers the value of true friendship - something that has gone missing in many of our lives. 1 Samuel 20