1 Samuel 20

A Loyal Friend (Jonathan)

This message is all about deepening our friendships. What is one step your group can take to connect in deeper ways with your group?

The goal of Community Groups is not just to discuss the Bible, but to provide an environment where we can be known, loved, and cared for.

Thanks for helping guide the group conversations and create opportunities for people to deepen their relationships in Christ.

Best Friends Forever

2018.09.30 - Drew Karschner - "Best Friends Forever" Part 3 of 6 of the "Portraits of a King" Series Unfortunately, in a culture with texting and social media, many of us have lost the value of true community. We only get so close to people because we don’t like being vulnerable and putting ourselves out there. David puts his life on the line and in the end, he discovers the value of true friendship - something that has gone missing in many of our lives. 1 Samuel 20