4 Group Reminders As We Wrap Up the Winter Trimester

Here are 4 quick reminders as we wrap up the Winter Community Group Trimester.

1. Group Trimester Dates

  • Winter Trimester Wrap-Up: March 9

  • Spring Trimester Dates: March 24 - May 25 (9 Weeks)

2. Celebrate Communion In Group

  • We are encouraging all Community Groups to take some time in group the last few weeks of the trimester to celebrate Communion with their group.

  • This is a great way to celebrate the Gospel together just like the early church, breaking bread and remembering Christ's sacrifice together as we meet in each other's homes.

  • Find communion instructions HERE 

3. Growth Goals Accountability

  • Forget about your growth goals? Help keep each other accountable for the goals you talked about by asking each other about your progress in the last few weeks of the trimester.

4. Sermon Discussion All-Play

  • Beginning Week 1 of the Spring Group Trimester (March 24th), we are asking all Community Groups to discuss our sermon series "Gaining Ground." 

  • This will be an important series to unify our church together in our mission to make more and better disciples in Rochester.

  • All Northridge attendees will be receiving a booklet for this series that includes our sermon discussion questions; similar to our "Portraits of a King" series from this fall.

Additional Resources

Do You Have A Plan For That?

When it come to applying the Bible in group, how do you help you and your group members to not just identify Bible application, but actually apply it?

4 Sure Ways To Burn Out As A Group Leader

Are any of these true of you? How you lead now may end up in you not leading later. How can you avoid burn out as a Group Leader?

The Top 2 Things Group Members Wish Were Different About Your Group

What do your group members wish was different about your group? What can you do to address these concerns? 

Past Re:Group Training Talks and Breakouts

Northridge Discipleship & Counseling Training (March 2 - May 18)This ten week training will teach you how to compassionately and skillfully use God's word to help people grow and change for God's glory, whether through casual conversations, mentoring, leading a group, discipleship, or counseling.



Contact your Group Coach or check out our Leaders website to find answers to your questions.

Jason DeGraaff

Community Groups Pastor

Life is better connected!