Uncommon Sense

Money Matters

2019.06.23 - Graham Spruill - "Money Matters" Money matters, but why does it matter? And how much should it matter? And if it matters, how do we make it matter most? In this sermon, we’ll be looking to the wisdom of the ancient King Solomon to establish a firm foundation in how we should wisely use the resources that God has given us for His glory. Proverbs

Kids These Days

2019.06.16 - Aaron Hixson - "Kids These Days" Parenting is hard. And actually, being parented is hard. The whole thing is just hard to figure out, and everybody seems to have a "fool-proof plan." How do we navigate this crucial relationship in life? Is there a way to raise kids that honors God and points them toward godly goals? Let's see what Proverbs has to say. Proverbs 29:17