Silver Linings

All We Need

2021.01.31 - Drew Karschner - "All We Need" CHAOS - that world probably sums up most of our experiences during the early phases of the pandemic. In some ways, things haven’t really gotten that much better. And while things feel chaotic, that word chaos implies a lack of order or control - but what if things weren’t out of control, they were just out of OUR control? In this message, we’ll explore the fact that God has always been firmly in the driver’s seat of our lives, it’s just a matter of recognizing His guiding hand. Mark 4:37-41

No Stopping Us

Page 2 of the discussion questions includes beginning of the trimester details to cover with your group, like the group agreement, volunteer schedules, and overview of how groups work to help new people get acquainted with group.

If you didn’t get a chance to review those last week, you may want to take a few minutes this week to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Also, if you didn’t get an opportunity to set a Growth Goal with your group last week, take a few minutes in prayer time to set goals to help each other grow this trimester!

2021.01.24 - Drew Karschner - "No Stopping Us" For more than six months in 2020, we were unable to physically gather as a church. It was easy to think that our church was “closed” - but was it really? In this talk we’ll explore what lessons we learned about what the Church really is while we watched “church” from our living rooms. Matthew 16:18

You Make Me Better

Included below are Week 1 details to cover with your group, like the group agreement, volunteer schedules, and overview of how groups work to help new people get acquainted with group. The notes also include the sermon discussion questions for this week.

You may also want to just spend this week catching up and discussing your groups plans for this trimester, especially if your group plans will look different than a typical trimester.

2021.01.17 - Melvin Cross - "You Make Me Better" If 2020 did anything, it brought racial tensions to the forefront of our minds. But we can’t just keep saying, “That’s a tough topic” or “I’m not sure what I think about that” - eventually, we have to pursue change. Eventually, we have to chase unity. In this message, Pastor Melvin Cross of Glory House International in Rochester ( will challenge us with the truth of the importance of unity in God’s design for the church. Revelation 7:9

Relationships Matter

2021.01.10 - Drew Karschner - "Relationships Matter" Quarantine is awful - but why? If 2020 taught us nothing else, we can all agree that the need for face-to-face connections was powerfully on display. Once isolation kicks in, bad things can happen. In this message, we’ll explore the relationship-centered lessons that we learned from lockdown in 2020. Genesis 2:18