
The Sin of Comfort

2 more weeks of group.

As you wrap up the Community Groups year, make sure to discuss the following things with your group:

  • Summer Plans:

    • Put dates on your calendar now, start brainstorming social gathering ideas.

  • Growth Goals:

    • Don’t slide spiritually during the summer, touch base with each other to help each other continue to take steps to grow in your faith.

  • Fall Plans:

    • Adding new people, Inviting Group Members in Group Leadership, Multiplying Your Group, Schedule or format changes.

  • Group Feedback:

    • Email or ask your group to what they liked most about your group and what suggestions they have for next year.

A Church That Is A Work In Progress

This Sunday’s message is all about our own spiritual growth, looking more like Christ.

If your group has yet to set growth goals, or someone in your group missed that opportunity, this is a great week to talk about those goals together as you seek to grow in your faith.

Print out the Growth Goal forms and bring them to your group, then have your group pair up to checkin with each other during the week on your progress.

Under Pressure

2018.09.02 - Aaron Hixson - "Under Pressure" Part 5 of the "In Other Words" series. How do you perform when the pressure's on? The process of growing spiritually can be a daunting thing. The pressure "be more like Jesus" can feel like it's never-ending and impossible. Today's word is all about spiritual growth and how to handle life when the pressure builds. 2 Corinthians 3:18