
Hope for Redemption

This is the last week of the Spring Community Group Trimester.

This is a great week to do a meal, get feedback from your group members on changes for your group this fall, and talk about plans for Community Group socials this summer.

You may also consider pairing up with prayer/accountability partners for the summer to make sure no one falls through the cracks or drifts away spiritually. Encourage weekly text messages, phone calls, Bible reading plans, or coffee meet ups.

If you are discussing the sermon, you’ll find Ruth chapter 3 discussion questions below.

Honoring Your Family When Life Is Hard

This is the 2nd to last week of the Community Group trimester.

Before the summer break, make sure to put some dates on the calendar for your group to connect this summer.

This is also a great time to review your Growth Goals for the year, celebrate how God has worked in your life, and set some goals for the summer.

Lastly, take some time in group this week or next to ask for feedback about everyone’s group experience so you can make helpful adjustments for the future.

You can hand out a 3x5 card and have everyone shared 1 thing they loved, and 1 thing they’d change. Or you can have everyone fill out an End of Trimester Feedback Form.

Loss, Loyalty, and Friendship

As we discuss a heavy message about pain and loss, make sure to give lots of time for discussing the application questions and for prayer time.

Many people in group will be struggling with pain and loss and difficult relationships and could use encouragement, support, and prayers.

If someone is struggling heavily, this is a great opportunity to apply the message and get together with them outside of group to listen more and be present with them in their pain.

Consider organizing prayer partners for the week and encourage connecting outside of your weekly meeting for prayer and conversation.