My Relationships Are Falling Apart

Why You Must Forgive

This week’s discussion is all about forgiveness. It could lead to some hard conversations. Make sure to leave plenty of time for prayer at the end as group members wrestle with forgiveness in their own lives.

If there are care issues or questions you have as you discuss this message, reach out to your Groups Coach. We’d love to help.

If you didn’t get a chance to set growth goals last week, be sure to take some time in your group to do that this week.

Can We Talk?

If You didn’t get a chance last week to cast vision for your group by talking about the purpose of groups (Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for Each other), vision (to invite others and multiply in the future), volunteer schedules, and the group agreement, you’ll find those included in this weeks discussion questions.

If you didn’t get a chance to set growth goals last week, be sure to take some time in your group to do that this week.

Rethinking Your Reactions

Included below are Week 1 details to cover with your group, like the group agreement, volunteer schedules, growth goal ideas, and an overview of how groups work to help new people get acquainted with group. The notes also include the sermon discussion questions for this week.

This is a great time to remind your group of why we do groups (Apply the Bible, Build Relationships, Care for Each Other) and that we are not just meeting for ourselves, but we want to invite others into our Community Groups.

You may also want to just spend this week catching up and discussing your groups plans for this trimester, especially if your group plans will look different than a typical trimester.