
What Every Church Must Look Like

This week’s sermon focused on core practices of the early church, including:

  • eating together

  • celebrating communion together

  • meeting each others needs

  • praying together

In addition to or instead of group discussion, your group might consider:

  • sharing a meal together

  • celebrating communion

  • asking each other if there are any needs you can help each other meet

  • spending extended time praying together

God vs gods

We are encouraging each group to celebrate Communion this week in their group. Instructions are provided in the 2nd page of the sermon discussion questions below.

Make sure you prepare for each person to have their own bread and juice.

In light of COVID-19 limitations, you could do this a couple ways:

  1. Each person can bring their own juice or bread.

  2. Bring individual juice boxes and dinner rolls so each person can have their own.

2020.10.18 - Drew Karschner - "God vs. gods" God often uses incredibly difficult circumstances to change his people. Although it may have been hard to see while they were going through it, God used 10 plagues to grow Moses’ leadership, change Pharaoh's heart, and give us a glimpse of Jesus’ death on the cross. Exodus 6-12 Did you enjoy a song from the service? Worship during the week by heading to to listen again!